Page 17 - FSUOGM Week 30 2022
P. 17

FSUOGM                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       Turkey confident on                 day to the EU after Gazprom cut gas flows   analyst, Global Gas Supply, at Wood
                                           via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, Ukraine
                                                                                Mackenzie. In 2021/2022 Europe finished
       extending gas purchase              Business News reported on July 26.   the heating season with tank storage at 26%
                                              Gazprom announced it was cutting gas
                                                                                – the lowest level in years.
       deals with Russia,                  flows via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline to
                                           20% of capacity on July 25 citing technical
       Azerbaijan and Iran                 conditions, escalating concerns for gas   Azerbaijan ups imports of
                                           storage supplies in the EU.
       Turkey intends to extend its natural gas   Since May, the company has been   AI-92 gasoline 30-fold in
       purchase agreements with key suppliers   transporting 40-42 mcm of gas per day via
       Russia, Azerbaijan and Iran, Fatih Donmez,   the Sudzha connection point into Ukraine,   Jan-May
       the country's energy and natural resources   despite the reserved capacity being 77.2
       minister, told Haber Global on July 26.  mcm per day, Ukrinform reported. As   Azerbaijan imported 148,080 tonnes of
         Problems with gas supplies were unlikely   Ukraine’s Gas Transportation System   AI-92 motor gasoline in January-May,
       to afflict Turkey this winter as the country   Operator (GTSOU) noted, the total capacity   equivalent to an increase of 29.6 times year
       would contractually secure its interests in   of the Sudzha point is 244 mcm per day.  on year, government figures show. In value
       the runup to winter, he said, speaking at a   “Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 are   terms, the volume of imports amounted to
       time when countries across Europe are set   redundant. I believe they were part of the   $169.9mn, up 71.2 times.
       to ration gas as they fear Russia will not   aggression that we have been observing   At the same time, 72% of the total
       provide enough for their winter reserves in   from the beginning,” commented the   import of AI-92 motor gasoline (or 106,456
       a tactical attempt at exerting pressure on the   general director of GTSOU,  Sergiy   tonnes) valued at $122mn was attributed
       EU for its opposition to its war in Ukraine.  Makogon.                   to purchases from Russia. The rest of the
         "Our main suppliers are Russia,      With Nord Stream running at 20%   volume was supplied by Turkmenistan
       Azerbaijan and Iran,” Donmez continued.   capacity, Europe does not have enough gas   (36,571 tonnes at $41.7mn), Kazakhstan
       “We intend to extend contracts with them   in its storage tanks. Gas tanks in Europe are   (3,526 tonnes at $3.9mn) and Romania
       for a new period. We strive to meet our   only 66.7% full, with few countries attaining   (1,525 tonnes at $2mn).
       energy needs."                      the 80% goal. GTSOU claims Europe could
         In recent years, Turkey has attempted   receive reliable gas transits and a reduced
       to gain more leverage in its negotiations   price for blue fuel to help prepare for the   Taliban reportedly
       for pipeline gas by pointing the rising   heating season if it utilises the Ukrainian
       availability of liquefied natural gas (LNG)   GTS.                       importing cylinder gas from
       deliveries. It has also pushed for more   "When discussing the problems of gas
       competitive pricing and flexibility in deal   supply via Nord Stream 1, Europe should   Turkmenistan
       renewals, but booming gas prices have   not forget that there is an alternative
       undermined that strategy.           option: the Ukrainian GTS," Makogon   Afghanistan's Taliban regime and Turkmen
         Turkey imports gas from Iran under an   said. "Besides, this way Europe will be able   authorities have signed an agreement on the
       agreement signed in 1996 for up to 10bn   to protect Ukrainian consumers. After   import of thousands of tonnes of liquefied
       cubic metres (bcm)/year until July 2026. It   all, if Russia depends on the Ukrainian   petroleum gas (LPG) from Turkmenistan,
       commenced in 2001 and was later reduced   GTS, it will not deliberately destroy our   Khaama Press reported on July 25, citing
       to 9.6 bcm/year.                    infrastructure, which is necessary, above all,   Taliban’s Ministry of Commerce and
         Turkish state broadcaster TRT Haber   to supply gas to the population of Ukraine."  Industry.
       on July 25 reported Turkish President   However, Gazprom is unlikely to   After several meetings with Turkmen
       Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who a week ago   increase its gas transport via Ukraine.   officials, the Taliban announced that they
       met with his Iranian counterpart Ebrahim   Its transit deal with Ukraine, signed in   had struck a deal for cylinder gas to be
       Raisi in Tehran, as saying Turkey has every   December 2019, promises a minimum of   imported via the border points of Hayratan,
       intention of importing more Iranian oil and   40bn cubic metres, and Russia is unlikely to   Aqina and Turghandi.
       gas.                                go significantly over this.          The decision to import LPG from
         Raisi, meanwhile, said after his meeting   At 20% of capacity, or 33 mcm per day,   Turkmenistan involved the Afghanistan
       with Erdogan that Tehran and Ankara   Europe can refill storage to only 75%-  National Standards Authority, Afghanistan
       believed they could boost their annual   80% ahead of winter, Wood Mackenzie   Oil and Gas Corporation and the economic
       bilateral trade to around $30bn.    consultancy told Reuters. For the previous   advisor to the Taliban prime minister.
                                           month and a half since June 15 (excluding   The price of gas will drop significantly
                                           the scheduled 10-day maintenance break),   when the imported cylinder gas arrives on
       Ukraine could increase gas          Nord Stream has operated at 40% capacity,   the Afghan market, Taliban officials were
                                           or 66 mcm per day. Nord Stream 1's
                                                                                reported as saying.
       transits to EU to over 200mn        nameplate capacity is around 165 mcm per   A kilogram of cylinder gas lately reached
                                                                                the price of AFN78 ($0.87) while a litre of
       cubic metres per day                through the heating season with only 20%   diesel hit AFN120 ($1.34) in Afghanistan.
                                              "As a result, Europe is likely to get

       Ukraine has stated it could increase gas   gas in store at the end of March – a very low
       transits to over 200mn cubic metres per   level," said Kateryna Filippenko, principal

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