Page 11 - FSUOGM Week 44 2022
P. 11

FSUOGM                                PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                         FSUOGM

       Caspian Sunrise establishes oil

       trading subsidiary

        KAZAKHSTAN       KAZAKHSTAN-FOCUSED oil and gas explo-  help the company raise its prices by $5-$10 per
                         ration and production firm Caspian Sunrise  barrel.
       Caspian said that   announced last week the establishment of an oil   Caspian Sunrise also added that it remains
       selling oil to the   trading division, declared a dividend of GBX0.04  "encouraged" by strong oil shows from Deep
       international market   per share and gave an update on its current  Well 802. The firm expects to test the well before
       was currently a less   operations.                     the end of 2022, after drilling a side-track to tar-
       attractive option than   Caspian Sunrise noted that selling oil to  get the first interval of interest.
       selling oil domestically.  the international market was currently a less   Caspian Sunrise will use the rig at Deep Well
                         attractive option than selling oil domestically  A5 in order to move a stuck pipe and target
                         and the company was thus selling all of its oil in  another oil-bearing interval.
                         Kazakhstan.                            The company also plans to resume work
                           The creation of an oil trading subsidiary is  at Deep Well A7, while Deep Well A8 will be
                         meant to take advantage of changes in regu-  plugged and abandoned.
                         lations to allow the company to sell its own oil   The firm expects to bring its shallow wells 141
                         directly to international and domestic buyers  and 142 back into production in the first three
                         starting from 2023. The division is expected to  months of 2023. ™

       Ukraine's largest gas company

       resumes drilling in liberated territories

        UKRAINE          UKRAINE’S largest gas company, UkrGasVy-  company cited acting CEO Oleksandr Roma-
                         dobuvannya, has resumed drilling in recently  niuk as saying.
       The company is once   de-occupied territories after repairing rigs,   During the intense stage of the fighting, Ukr-
       again drilling in the   Ukraine Business News reported on November  GasVydobuvannya focused on drilling new wells
       country's east.   4.                                   in central and western Ukraine, with new wells
                           During the occupation of territories in East-  established in the Poltava region and the Lviv
                         ern Ukraine, drilling facilities were damaged or  region in recent months to compensate for losses
                         suffered from looting. However, Ukrgazvydobu-  and increasing hydrocarbon demand.
                         vannya said that most sites have been repaired   With the wells operating efficiently and
                         and have resumed operations after receiving  effectively, UkrGasVydobuvannya plans to
                         permits from the State Emergency Service and  increase its production of hydrocarbons in
                         undergoing demining operations.      2023. The Poltava well will reportedly produce
                           UkrGasVydobuvannya was forced to stop  100,000 cubic metres of gas per day, while the
                         operations in eastern regions in March due to  Lviv well is yielding an output of 115,000 cubic
                         intense fighting, causing a major drop in gas  metres per day.
                         production; however, it is now resuming opera-  UkrGasVydobuvannya and Expert Petro-
                         tions as quickly as possible. The company man-  leum started co-operating back in October 2020
                         aged to launch a well in the Kharkiv Region with  under terms of their production enhancement
                         a production rate of more than 140,000 cubic  contract (PEC) to increase the output from
                         metres of gas per day last month and drilled a  exhausted fields. Expert Petroleum has since
                         record volume of new wells reaching 30,222m  been awarded the management of 13 exhausted
                         in September.                        gas fields in the Lviv region to increase produc-
                           “Drilling of new wells has the most signifi-  tion by 300mn cubic metres within five years.
                         cant and sustainable impact in terms of provid-  The volume of investments needs to be at least
                         ing the country with its own Ukrainian gas,” the  UAH1bn. ™

       Week 44   07•November•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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