Page 6 - GLNG Week 43 2021
P. 6

GLNG                                              AFRICA                                               GLNG

       KenGen contractor to study feasibility

       of LNG-to-power project

        PROJECTS &       KENYA’S  national electricity provider has  in or near Mombasa, it reported.
        COMPANIES        reportedly chosen US-based K&M Advisors as   As such, the study will attempt to determine
                         its contractor for a feasibility study of a proposed  whether regasified LNG is a more cost-effective
                         LNG-to-power project.                fuel for power generation than petroleum prod-
                           K&M Advisors announced the contract  ucts in Kenya. (Part of this process will involve
                         award last week, saying it had agreed to perform  scrutinising a number of different potential   K&M Advisors
                         this service for state-owned Kenya Electricity  suppliers.) It will also examine opportunities for
                         Generating Co. (KenGen) over a period of 10-12  supplying gas to Kenyan industrial consumers   will examine the
                         months. The study will address the viability of  that are now relying on residual fuel oil or diesel.
                         proposals to build an LNG import terminal in   Kenya is not currently a producer or con- cost and viability
                         the port of Mombasa and examine the potential  sumer of natural gas. However, it has expressed
                         technical, financial, economic, social and envi-  interest in importing gas from neighbouring   of various LNG
                         ronmental impact of such a project, it stated.  Tanzania.                 import facilities.
                           Additionally, K&M Advisors will examine   More specifically, Kenyan President Uhuru
                         the cost and viability of various LNG import  Kenyatta discussed the possibility of construct-
                         facilities. These will include onshore terminals  ing a cross-border pipeline in May of this year,
                         and floating storage and regasification units  during a meeting with his Tanzanian counter-
                         (FSRUs), as well as smaller-scale options such as  part Samia Suluhu Hassan in Nairobi. At the
                         rail or truck delivery.              time, both Suluhu and Kenyatta described the
                           The US-based consultancy has not revealed  proposed pipeline as part of a wider long-term
                         the value of the contract. It has said that KenGen  initiative that would help the two countries
                         is looking at plans to build the LNG import ter-  share energy resources. They also put the cost of
                         minal within the framework of a wider effort to  building the link along a 600-km route ending in
                         establish a domestic gas market in Kenya. This  Mombasa at around KES121bn ($1.09bn).
                         initiative would entail converting 10 existing   According to Kenyatta, the pipe would allow
                         generating facilities that burn heavy residual fuel  Kenyan TPPs to use gas as fuel for generation,
                         oil or kerosene to gas, as well as the construction  thereby bringing down the cost of power in
                         of a new gas-fired thermal power plants (TPPs)  Kenya and also reducing emissions.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 43   29•October•2021
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