Page 15 - DMEA Week 41 2022
P. 15

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

            business new europe       bne/IntelliNews

       “Add to this the lesson Iran’s revolutionaries  economy is expected to turbocharge to 6.6%  bring most of the new LNG volumes between
       internalised from the dissolution of the Soviet  growth in 2022 led by a strong recovery in the  2025 and 2027.
       Union (how long did Mikhail Gorbachev  tourism sector and exports before easing to   Speaking on the value of QatarEnergy’s inter-
       remain president after he introduced substantial  a 4.4% annual growth in 2023 affected by the  national partnerships in these ambitious pro-
       reforms?) and the counter-example of China  global economic slowdown.    jects, Minister Al Kaabi said: “the partnership
       (with Deng Xioaping crushing the Tiananmen   Morocco’s principally agriculture-based  model we are adopting has been very successful
       protest to maintain the party’s power), and it  economy is expected to put on a 0.8% GDP  in making us what we are today, giving us the
       becomes clear that this regime will not go with  growth this year affected by a severe drought  ability to develop the best competencies, capa-
       a whimper.”                         before recovering to a 3.1% growth next year.  bilities, technologies, and marketing support.
         Of course, concludes Adebahr, the current   bne/IntelliNews, October 13 2022  We are grateful for our all our partners who are
       protests could be the beginning of the end of                            working with us hand in hand to reach where
       the Islamic Republic, but he says: “For this to                          we are.”
       happen, however, they would not only need to  COMPANIES                    On net-zero, His Excellency said that while
       be sustained in the face of unrelenting brutal-                          many countries had made announcements to
       ity, but become a movement organised around   Three partners to join     meet certain targets by certain times, they did
       a programme—ideally going beyond ‘death to                               not have the plan and/or the will to take that
       the dictator’—and some leadership structures.   the North Field South    commitment to the finish line. As a result, His
       Whereas the Islamic revolutionaries of 1979                              Excellency added, coal burning is making a
       could rely on the network of mosques and the   development project       comeback more than any other time, putting us
       clergy inside the country, there is nothing com-                         many years backwards.
       parable today that could help channel the unrest.  Saad Sherida Al Kaabi, the Minister of State   His Excellency Minister Al Kaabi highlighted
         “Lacking such organisation, the demonstra-  for Energy Affairs, the President and CEO of  Qatar’s role in reducing gas emissions and car-
       tions could either be crushed, as in the past, or  QatarEnergy, revealed that three new partners  bon footprint, saying: “His Highness the Amir
       become more violent as people become more  will be entering the North Field South (NFS)  will inaugurate Al-Kharsaah solar power station
       desperate. Moreover, those fundamental griev-  project in addition to the partner recently  later this month, which has a capacity of 800
       ances that go beyond freedom and human rights  announced, adding that they will be announced  MW, providing our national grid with 10% of
       inside the country could become more promi-  in due course.              local demand. This says quite a lot for a major
       nent. And that’s even before thinking about how   His Excellency made the remarks during the  gas producer.”
       neighboring countries and regional powers near  Energy Intelligence Forum’s Energy Executive of   “We are the largest MENA country in terms
       and far might want to take advantage of a weak-  the Year Leadership Dialogue in London.  of injecting CO2, as part of our carbon capture
       ening of the Islamic Republic.”        H.E. Minister Al Kaabi noted that the North  and sequestration efforts. We are currently
       bne/IntelliNews, October 12 2022    Field East, North Field South, and Golden Pass  injecting 2.5 million tons as we speak, which
                                           projects will bring a total of 48mn tonnes per  will grow to over 11 million tonnes of CO2 per
       IMF sees MENA region’s              year (tpy) of LNG, stressing that Qatar alone will  annum by 2035, His Excellency added.”
       economic growth hitting

       5% in 2022 before

       decelerating in 2023

       The International Monetary Fund has adjusted
       its real GDP growth forecast for the Middle East
       and North Africa region to 5% in 2022, with
       equal contributions from both oil importing and
       oil exporting economies, declining to 3.6% the
       following year.
         Oil-exporting economies in the Middle East
       are now expected to expand by 4.9% in 2022, led
       by Saudi Arabia, whose heavily oil-dependent
       economy -- the largest in the region -- is fore-
       casted to grow by 7.6% this year before easing to
       3.7% next year.
         The United Arab Emirates’ economy is fore-
       casted to post a 5.1% growth this year before
       declining to 4.2% in 2023. Algeria’s heavily gas
       export-based economy is growing by 4.7% in
       2022 on skyrocketing global prices for the com-
       modity before dropping to 2.6% growth in 2023.
         While oil-importing economies are fore-
       casted to grow by 5.1% in 2022 before falling to
       a more moderate 3.7% growth in 2023. Egypt’s

       Week 41   13•October•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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