Page 12 - MEOG Week 23 2021
P. 12

MEOG                                              POLICY                                               MEOG

       Blinken warns Iran’s breakout

       time could shrink to weeks

        IRAN             THE US still does not know whether Iran  on June 10. The US abandoned the nuclear
                         is ready to resume compliance with its 2015  deal, otherwise known as the JCPOA, in 2018,
                         nuclear deal obligations and if Tehran continues  prompting Iran to begin violating its terms
                         to violate the pact, the “breakout time” it would  about a year later as restored American sanctions
                         require to produce enough fissile material for a  increasingly undermined its economy.
                         single nuclear weapon would shrink to weeks,   Resuming talks on June 10 would leave only
                         US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on  eight days to reach an agreement for a JCPOA
                         June 6.                              revival before Iran’s June 18 presidential election.
                           “pemIt remains unclear whether Iran is will-  As things stand, the poll is likely to see the elec-
                         ing and prepared to do what it needs to do come  tion of a hardline candidate.
                         back into compliance,” Blinken told lawmakers.   In the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists on
                           “Meanwhile, its programme is galloping  June 7, Atlantic Council non-resident fellow Sina
                         forward. ... The longer this goes on, the more  Azodi argued that the hardliners actually want
                         the breakout time gets down ... it’s now down,  to see a revival of the nuclear deal because of the
                         by public reports, to a few months at best. And  big economic benefits it would bring, but want
                         if this continues, it will get down to a matter of  to delay any agreement on the restoration of the
                         weeks.”                              JCPOA until after the election to avoid giving
                           The US and Iran began indirect talks, medi-  rival candidates in the contest a boost.
                         ated by major powers, in Vienna in April to see   June 7 also brought reports that the US and
                         if they might both find their way to restoring  Europe have decided to set aside a fresh warn-
                         compliance with the accord under which Teh-  ing from the director general of the UN’s nuclear
                         ran agreed to measures to keep its nuclear pro-  watchdog, the International Atomic Energy
                         gramme entirely civilian.            Agency (IAEA), that it is no longer possible to
                           A main objective of the nuclear deal is to  say with confidence whether Iran is seeking to
                         make it very much harder for Iran to obtain fis-  build a bomb, as they press on with attempting
                         sile material for a weapon. In return for compli-  to revive the nuclear deal.
                         ance, Iran is supposed to be shielded from major   Iran has always stated that it has never had
                         US, EU and UN sanctions.             any intention of producing a nuclear bomb but
                           The fifth round of talks ended on June 2. Dip-  its foes, particularly Israel, vehemently dispute
                         lomats have said a sixth might possibly begin  that assertion.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 23   09•June•2021
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