Page 4 - DMEA Week 37 2021
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Brooge receives cargo as

       Fujairah expansion progresses

       Brooge Energy has launched the expanded phase of its storage
       terminal in the UAE with plans to expand capacity and build refineries.

        MIDDLE EAST      US-LISTED Brooge Energy Ltd has received  and testing, all while navigating a challenging
                         the first crude cargo at its storage terminal in  macro-environment which impacted on our
                         Fujairah in the eastern UAE swiftly following the  supply chain and construction timelines.”
       WHAT:             completion of the facility’s second phase.  He added: “Oil storage in the port of Fujairah
       The company has already   The company still has major expansion plans  in the Middle East is in high demand, which has
       contracted all of the   as it seeks to more than triple its storage capac-  enabled us to fully contract the entire capacity.”
       additional capacity from   ity from the current 6.3mn barrels alongside the   With that high demand in mind, work has
       Phase II and begun work   development of a 25,000-barrel per day (bpd)  been ongoing since last year to prepare for the
       on the next stage.  modular refinery and a 180,000-bpd ‘conven-  Phase III expansion project covering a further
                         tional’ refining unit, all of which will be covered  15.7mn barrels of storage and the two refiner-
       WHY:              by the project’s third phase.        ies. A front-end engineering and design (FEED)
       Fujairah has already                                   and preconstruction work have been com-
       become the world’s third   Storage                     pleted. Meanwhile, EY carried out a feasibility
       largest bunkering hub   In a company filing, Brooge said that it has fully  study which Brooge says “supports the financial
       and there are ambitious   contracted the additional storage capacity from  viability of the … plan, highlighting upcoming
       plans in place for   Phase II. It did not say which companies had  infrastructure investments in the region as a key
       significant expansion.  leased storage capacity but noted that the stor-  driver of sustainable storage demand and rising
                         age capacity would be utilised under multi-year  domestic and export demand for refined prod-
       WHAT NEXT:        contracts.                           ucts as a key driver of refinery demand”.
       Brooge is kicking off work   Of the completion of Phase II, CEO of Brooge
       to develop first a modular   and local subsidiary Brooge Petroleum & Gas  Refineries
       refinery then a 180,000-  Investment Co. (BPGIC) Nicolaas Paarden-  In early July, Brooge announced that it had
       bpd unit that will more   kooper, said: “This is a major milestone for  agreed to sublease land to Blue Ocean Energy
       than double the emirate’s   Brooge Energy and follows months of careful  FZE for the construction of the 25,000 bpd mod-
       throughput capacity.  planning, construction, contract negotiations  ular refinery. It said that the unit would produce

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