Page 18 - MEOG Week 50 2020
P. 18

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       COMPANIES                             Oman Oil had recently expressed interest   produced 1.947 million bpd of crude oil in
                                           to divest its stake in BORL.         October.
       Bharat Petroleum to                 March this year when it converted warrants   output for the third quarter of 2020 at 1.942
                                             BORL became a subsidiary of BPCL in
                                                                                  The report put average Iranian crude
       consider buying stake in            into shares taking the state-owned refiner’s   million barrels per day indicating a near
                                           stake in the erstwhile equal joint venture to
                                                                                7,000-bpd fall compared to the figure for the
       Bina refinery                       63.38%.                              second quarter of 2020.
                                             In addition to the equity investment in
                                                                                  The country’s heavy crude oil prices also
       Privatisation-bound Bharat Petroleum   BORL, BPCL had subscribed to zero per cent   increased $2.64 in November to register a
       Corporation Ltd (BPCL) has said its board   compulsorily convertible debentures of ?1,000   46.6-percent rise compared to the previous
       will on Thursday consider buying out Oman   crore and share warrants of ?1,585.68 crores   month, according to the OPEC report.
       Oil Company in the Bina refinery project in   which on conversion would turn BORL into a   Iran sold its heavy crude oil at $42.88 per
       Madhya Pradesh.                     subsidiary of BPCL.                  barrel in the mentioned month, compared to
         BPCL board will also consider merging   MINT                           October’s $40.24 per barrel.
       Bharat Gas Resources Ltd(BGRL) with itself,                                The country’s average heavy crude price
       the company said in a filing to the stock                                was $39.98 since the beginning of 2020 up to
       exchanges on Tuesday.               OIL                                  the report’s publishing date, in comparison to
         BPCL holds 63.68% stake in Bharat Oman                                 $61.68 in the previous year’s same period.
       Refineries Ltd (BORL), which built and   Second well spuds at              OPEC Basket prices also rose 6.3 percent
       operates a 7.8 million tonne oil refinery at                             to $42.99 a barrel in November, up $2.66 from
       Bina in Madhya Pradesh.             Oman’s Yumna                         October.
         The company board will on December                                       Based on the OPEC data, the cartel’s oil
       17 “consider a proposal for according ‘in-   Drilling has started on the second   production increased by 707,000 barrels per
       principle’ approval” for “acquisition of 36.62%   development well on the Yumna oil field in   day in November and the total production
       of equity shares in BORL from OQ S.A.O.C.   block 50 offshore Oman.      of the members of this organization reached
       (formerly known as Oman Oil Company   According to operator Masirah Oil, a third   25.109 million barrels per day.
       S.A.O.C.),” it said.                well will follow on completion of Yumna 2.  OPEC oil production in the previous
         This would amount to the acquisition of   All three production wells have been   month stood at 24.402 million barrels per day.
       88.8 crore equity shares from OQ.   placed to optimize reservoir drainage and   In addition to the devastating impacts of
         The board would also consider a proposal   to maximize recovery, the company added,   the coronavirus pandemic on the global oil
       to approach the Madhya Pradesh government   with a wildcat exploration well also planned   industry which resulted in the drastic fall in
       for acquiring 2.69 crore warrants held by it in   during the 90-day campaign to assess a nearby   oil prices, the Iranian oil industry has also
       BORL.                               lookalike prospect.                  been under pressure from the U.S. efforts to
         The meeting would also consider “merger   OFFSHORE                     isolate the country by re-imposing sanctions.
       of Bharat Gas Resources Ltd (a wholly-owned                              TEHRAN TIMES
       subsidiary of BPCL) with BPCL,” the filing   Iran’s oil output up 39,000
       said.                                                                    Gulf Keystone expects
         BPCL incorporated BGRL for handling   bpd in November: OPEC
       the natural gas business in June 2018. It won                            Kurdish field oil output at
       licence to retail CNG to automobiles and   Iran produced 1.986 million barrels per day
       piped natural gas to households and industries  (bpd) of crude oil in November, registering a   top end of range
       in 13 Geographical Areas under round 9 and   39,000-bpd increase compared to the previous
       round 10 of City Gas Distribution (CGD).  month, according to OPEC’s latest monthly   Gulf Keystone Petroleum, the energy
         BGRL is also planning to put up an LNG   report published on Monday.   company focused on Iraq’s semi-autonomous
       import terminal along the East Coast of India.  Based on secondary sources, Iran had   Kurdistan region, expects oil output from

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 50   16•December•2020
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