Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 10 2022
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LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

                                                                                in order to avoid winter storms and hurricanes
                                                                                prevalent in the Gulf of Mexico. The DTYMS
                                                                                was developed by SOFEC, Inc., a MODEC group
                                                                                company, and the mooring jacket was fabricated
                                                                                in Altamira, Mexico.
                                                                                  The FPSO is MODEC’s second operations
                                                                                and maintenance project for Mexico, following
                                                                                the FSO Ta’Kuntah.
                                                                                  “MODEC is happy to support our customer
                                                                                in their first foray into Mexico,” says Soichi Ide,
                                                                                President & CEO of MODEC Singapore. “The
                                                                                FPSO Miamte MV34 is our first FPSO to arrive
                                                                                at site in 2022, and we are very proud of this
                                                                                achievement. The successful project delivery
                                                                                helps to pave the way for our further inroads
       In the panel that discussed the changes in strat-  benefit oil exporting countries such as Brazil and  into this region.
       egies for the area of exploration and production  Mexico, but will have a negative impact on oil   “With the support of our customer, part-
       of oil in the future, the Director of Institutional  importers such as Argentina and Chile.  ners, contractors and subcontractors, ven-
       Relations and Sustainability at Petrobras, Rafael   Venezuela will gain from high oil prices but  dors and suppliers, as well as everyone on the
       Chaves, released figures that reinforce the role of  the economic sanctions on Russia will reduce the  MV34 project team, we were able to overcome
       oil in the pre-salt for the energy transition. “Our  financial support it receives from Russia, he said  the challenges from many fronts, including the
       ultra-deepwater fields are very efficient in terms   The Houston Energy Club is a public pol-  pandemic.”
       of emissions. In the pre-salt, 10kg of greenhouse  icy analysis organisation composed of energy   MODEC, March 10 2022
       gases are emitted per barrel produced, while the  experts and executives based in Houston. The
       industry’s average CO2 emission is almost 20kg,”  organisation has held the Latin America Energy   Trinity Exploration provides
       he detailed.                        Forum since 2016.
         Even with Petrobras’ good performance,   Houston Energy Club, March 8 2022  update on Galeota project
       Chaves believes that the company needs to be
       alert to further reduce its emissions. “Investment                       AIM-listed Trinity Exploration & Production,
       in technological solutions aimed at reducing  PROJECTS & COMPANIES       the independent E&P company focused on
       emissions is not a matter of choice, it is man-                          Trinidad and Tobago, has received the final Cer-
       datory for all oil companies,” said the director,   MODEC’s FPSO Miamte   tificate of Environmental Clearance (CEC) for
       who also talked about the investments that are                           the Galeota Asset Development (GAD) Project
       planned in the refineries, both for reducing   MV34 achieves first oil   from the Environmental Management Author-
       emissions from industrial plants and for devel-                          ity of Trinidad and Tobago (EMA).
       oping biofuels, such as diesel with renewable   offshore Mexico            This now completes all required environmen-
       content.                                                                 tal clearances for the Echo Field Development,
       Petrobras, March 9 2022             MODEC has announced that the FPSO Miamte  which has the potential to achieve peak annual-
                                           MV34, operating in the Offshore Area 1 block  ised gross production of circa 7,000 bpd. Receipt
       Houston Energy Club                 in the Gulf of Mexico achieved the First Oil pro-  of the CEC is another important step on the path
                                                                                to achieving Final Investment Decision (FID) for
                                           duction on February 23, 2022.
       holds 6th Latin America             a subsidiary of the integrated energy company  FID will ultimately be subject to the outcome
                                              This is MODEC’s first project for Eni Mexico,  the Echo Field Development. The timetable to
       Energy Forum event                  Eni. MODEC was appointed by Eni Mexico for  of the farm-down process for Galeota, which
                                           the supply, charter and operations of the FPSO  encompasses the current Trintes production,
       Last Thursday, March 3, the Houston Energy  in the Eni-operated Offshore Area 1 block in the  the matured Echo Field Development and the
       Club held the 6th Latin America Energy Forum,  Bay of Campeche in 2018. The charter contract  Foxtrot and Golf appraisal areas.
       featuring speeches by Aldo Flores Quiroga,  will run for an initial 15 years, with options for   Jeremy Bridglalsingh, CEO, commented:
       former Secretary General of the International  extension every year thereafter up to five addi-  “Acquiring the CEC for the Echo Field Develop-
       Energy Forum, and several CEOs from the  tional years.                   ment is a notable step on the path to FID, and
       United States and Latin America. The speakers   Moored in a water depth of approximately  we are appreciative of the support from key con-
       discussed the energy outlook in Latin America  32 metres some 10 km off Mexico’s coast, the  tractors as well as the constructive dialogue and
       for 2022, with a focus on developing infrastruc-  FPSO is capable of handling 90,000 barrels per  thorough manner in which the EMA guided the
       ture projects in the region.        day (bpd) of oil, 75mn cubic feet of gas per day  CEC process.
         Dr. Francesco Stipo, President of the Houston  and 120,000 bpd of water injection with a storage   “The Galeota farm-down process continues
       Energy Club, declared: “Oil prices may reach  capacity of 700,000 barrels of oil.  with healthy levels of engagement from inter-
       $180 [per barrel], setting a new record, triggered   The FPSO boasts a Disconnectable Tower  ested parties. Furthermore, the anticipated
       by the war in Ukraine and the rebound of energy  Yoke Mooring System (DTYMS), a first-of-its-  reform of the taxation regime should create a
       demand after the COVID 19 pandemic.  kind design in the industry. The state-of-the-  more attractive environment for Trinity and
         The previous record of $179.90 was set on  art DTYMS was developed to moor the FPSO  potential partners to deploy investment capital
       June 8, 2008.                       in shallow water, whilst also allowing the unit  into GAD and similar projects.”
         Dr. Stipo declared that high oil prices will  to disconnect its mooring and depart the area   Trinity Exploration & Production, March 9 2022

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 10   10•March•2022
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