Page 4 - DMEA Week 15 2021
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Nigeria’s DPR publishes list

       of private refining licences

       The Department of Petroleum Resources this week announced which refining
       plants have valid permits, illustrating the trend towards modular refining.

        AFRICA           NIGERIA’S Department of Petroleum Resources  for refineries with a capacity of 12,000 bpd as
                         (DPR) this week published a list of valid operat-  field developers seek to process crude close to
                         ing permits for private refineries in the country.  the wellhead to avoid transport woes while con-
       WHAT:               Publication of the list, which includes the  trolling sales in the local market.
       A total of 23 projects   650,000-barrel per day (bpd) facility being devel-  This should come as little surprise given the
       either have valid permits   oped by Dangote Group at Lekki, led to conster-  significant control exerted by fuel marketers,
       or have crossed the 50%   nation in local press owing to the omission of  partially stemming from the chronic failure of
       construction prerequisite   32 licences, leading to claims that the DPR had  the four large state-owned refineries operated by
       for a licence to no longer   revokes these permits, forcing the organisation  the Nigerian National Petroleum Corp. (NNPC)
       be required.      to clarify that these licences had actually expired.  at Port Harcourt (x2), Kaduna and Warri. While
                                                              a project to restore useable capacity at Port Har-
       WHY:              Capacity drive                       court first to 90% then to the full 210,000-bpd
       Nigeria has a history   Of the 23 valid licences, construction has only  is kicking off despite misplaced controversy in
       of announcing major   begun on five, four of which are modular units  media and opposition circles, NNPC has admit-
       private refining projects   with a nameplate design capacity of 5,000-7,000  ted its own struggles with refining with all of
       that never materialise   bpd, the other being Dangote.  these units currently fully offline.
       while the public sector   The relative low-cost and convenience of   NNPC’s issues in operating the refineries are
       has an equally patchy   modular refineries has seen them become an  well documented, with the company saying in
       reputation.       attractive solution in Nigeria where buy-in from  2019 that it had failed to carry out turnaround
                         local communities is key to avoiding pipeline  maintenance for four decades.
       WHAT NEXT:        vandalism and reducing illegal refining, which is   The valid permits cover plans for 1.09mn
       The rise of modular   costly to operators and environmentally damag-  bpd of capacity, with only the 5,000-bpd modu-
       refining has brought   ing, not to mention dangerous to those involved.  lar unit developed by Waltersmith Petroman at
       tangible progress and   With that in mind, 16 of the 23 permits are  Ibigwe in operation. Given Nigeria’s track record
       while the current 23
       projects are unlikely
       to all be completed,                    LIST OF VALID REFINERY PROJECT LICENSES AS AT MARCH 2021
                                                                      GRANTED   GRANT
       is already improving   Waltersmith Refining &   Ibigwe    Imo     5,000    Topping Plant    ATC     DATE     DATE
       the planned-to-    1   Petrochemical                                         Construction completed;
                                                                                    Plant successfully
       commissioned ratio.  2    Company Limited    Umuseti, Kwale    Delta    7,000    Topping Plant    ATR     Sep-17    NA    Commissioned.
                             OPAC Refineries
                                                                                    Construction completed;
                                                                                    Plant at Commissioning
                          3   Niger Delta Petroleum   Ogbele    Rivers    5,000    Hydro-skimming    ATC    Dec-18    Dec-20    Construction completed;
                             Resources (Train 3)             Plant                  Commissioning ongoing.
                          4    Dangote Oil Refinery     Lekki Free Trade Zone    Lagos     500,000    Conversion Plant    ATC     Dec-17    NA    Valid; Plant Overall
                             Company                                                Installation above 80.3%
                          5   Edo Refinery and    Ikpoba-Okha L.G.A.    Edo     6,000    Hydro-skimming    ATC    Mar-19    NA    Construction completed;
                             Petrochemical Company           Plant                  Plant at Commissioning
                             limited                                                Stage
                          6   Lowrie Refinery Limited   Ika North LGA    Delta    5,000    Topping plant    ATC    Sept-20    Sept-22    Valid
                          7   Excel Refinery Limited    Peretorugbene    Bayelsa     5,000    Topping Plant    LTE    Sept- 20    Sept-22    Valid
                                       Ekeremor L.G.A
                          8   Conodit Refinery   Umukwata    Delta     20,000    Hydro-skimming    ATC    Jul-19    Jul-21    Valid
                             Nigeria Limited                 Plant
                          9   Duport Midstream     Egbokor, Orhionmwon    Edo    10,000    Hydro-skimming   ATC    Sep-19    Sep-21    Valid
                                       L.G.A.                plant
                          10   Clairgold Oil & Gas   Koko    Delta    20,000    Hydro-skimming    ATC    Dec-19    Dec-21    Valid
                             Engineering Limited             Plant
                          11   Ogini Refinery Limited    Ogini, Kwale    Delta     5,000    Topping Plant    LTE    Dec-19    Dec-21    Valid
                          12   Etopo Energy Plc    Burutu    Delta     30,000    Hydro-skimming    ATC    Jan-20    Jan-22    Valid
                          13   Gasoline Associates   Ipokia    Ogun    100,000    Conversion Plant    ATC    Feb-20    Fe-22    Valid
                             International Limited
                          14   NPDC/ND WESTERN   OML 34 field, Ughelli    Delta     10,000    Topping Plant    LTE    Feb-20    Feb-22    Valid
                             OML 34 JV    East,
                                       Ughelli North LGA
                          15   Frao Oil Nigeria Limited   Uzere    Delta    12,000    Hydro-skimming    ATC    Mar-20    Mar-22    Valid
       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 15   15•April•2021
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