Page 18 - DMEA Week 22
P. 18

DMEA                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       Egypt cancels $330mn of             16.25%, whereas a litre of kerosene is set to   October to buy out CEPSA’s stake in Medgaz.
                                                                                  Naturgy and Sonatrach had agreed last
                                           remain the same at TZS1,568.
       debt for gas supplies to            shall continue the same as those that were   That deal raised the former company’s holding
                                              The utility regulator said Kerosene prices
                                                                                in the pipeline operator up by 34.05% from
       factories                           published on May 6 because there was no new   the previous level of 14.95%.
                                                                                  Sonatrach did not disclose the financial
                                           consignment of lerosene that was received
       The Egyptian cabinet has approved a   through Dar es Salaam port in May.  terms of the deal. But it did go on to say that
       proposal by the Ministry of Petroleum                                    it intended to work with Naturgy to move
       and Mineral Resources to cut outstanding                                 forward with the expansion of the Medgaz
       natural gas debt owed by factories up until   Turkey’s regulator warns   system in 2021. The pipeline’s capacity is due to
       December 31 2019.                                                        rise from 8.3bn cubic metres per year to 10.2
         During its weekly videoconference   that fuel prices are too high      bcm per year following the construction of a
       meeting, the cabinet, chaired by the prime                               fourth turbo-compressor unit for the Beni-Saf
       minister Mostafa Madbouly, approved to   Turkey’s EPDK energy regulator said on June   gas compression station in Algeria, it stated.
       relieve indebted factories from EGP5.31bn   2 that fuel prices in the country were too high   Medgaz is the operator of a 24-inch (610-
       ($330,000) in debt, according to a statement   and that it would have to step in if companies   mm) pipeline that follows a 210-km route
       on June 3.                          did not lower them.                  across the floor of the Mediterranean from
         The reduced amount, which involves   In a statement, EPDK chairman Mustafa   Beni-Saf, Algeria, to Almería, Spain. On the
       late fees and other penalties, is line with   Yilmaz said that volatility in fuel prices amid   Algerian side, the Medgaz system is connected
       the government’s efforts to support local   the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had a   to the terminus of a domestic conduit that
       industry amid the coronavirus (COVID-19)   negative impact on consumers. The regulator   carries gas from Hassi R’Mel and other fields.
       pandemic. Earlier, Egypt cut the price of   would need to impose a price ceiling if price   On the Spanish side, it is connected to the
       natural gas for the industrial sector to $4.50   margins were not lowered.  Almería-Albacete line.
       per 1mn btu.                           Yilmaz said that the EPDK had called on
                                           companies to take the required steps.
                                              The collapse in oil prices that came with   Petrofac extends contract
       Court issues fines for oil          the arrival of the pandemic and its negative   with Basrah Oil
                                           impact on energy demand from locked
       refinery explosion in 2016          down industry and consumers is a boon for   Petrofac’s engineering & production services
                                           Turkey in that the country is almost entirely
       The magistrate’s court in Haifa, Israel, issued   dependent on imports to meet its energy   division (EPS) has secured a further six-
       on June 1 a ILS1.2mn ($335,000) fine on the   demand, but consumers, struggling amid the   month contract extension with Basrah
       Bazan Group oil refining and petrochemicals   fragile Turkish economy following last year’s   Oil Company (BOC) for its long-standing
       company for negligence, pollution and   recession, will want to see that translate to   Iraq Crude Oil Export Expansion Project
       violation of permits in connection with a   gains in their pocket.       (ICOEEP).
       massive fire that sent toxic black clouds   The Erdogan administration is going all   The confirmation of the contract extension
       floating over the Haifa Bay for several hours in  out to achieve a consumer-spending-driven   is recognition of Petrofac’s successful
       late December 2016.                 bounceback from the recession and the   seven-and-a-half-year track record of safe
         The court also handed out fines of between   damage wrought by the pandemic effects.  and efficient delivery and ability to sustain
       ILS30,000 and ILS50,000 ($8,600 to $14,350)                              and improve export levels as incumbent
       each to three managers — Yariv Gratz, Tsachi                             operations and maintenance service provider.
       Shapira and Yaron Ovadia — who admitted to   Sonatrach raises stake in     The facility, which is one of the largest
       charges against them within the framework of                             export terminals in the Gulf and handles
       mediation and a plea deal.          Medgaz pipeline to 51%               around 50% of Iraq’s crude oil exports, is
         The blaze, which took more than a day                                  located 37 miles (60 km) offshore the Al Fao
       to extinguish, sent bright orange flames and   Algeria’s national oil company (NOC)   Peninsula in Southern Iraq. It comprises a
       thick black smoke billowing into the air above   Sonatrach has become the majority   central metering and manifold platform and
       the northern port city and threatened other   shareholder in Medgaz, the operator of a   four Single Point Moorings which facilitate oil
       installations at the large industrial complex.  natural gas pipeline across the bed of the   exports on to awaiting crude carrier tankers.
                                           Mediterranean Sea, through its acquisition of   Mani Rajapathy, managing director, EPS
                                           a stake in the link from CEPSA (Spain).  East, said: “We are delighted to be awarded
       Fuel prices drop to a record        statement dated May 31, saying that it had   this further contract extension in Iraq by our
                                              Sonatrach confirmed the purchase in a
                                                                                long-standing client BOC. During this current
       low in Tanzania                     arranged to buy 19.1% of CEPSA’s stake in   challenging period for operations we have
                                                                                continued to work well together, improving the
                                           Medgaz, equivalent to 8.04% of total equity
       Tanzania’s retail and wholesale prices for   in the pipeline. This purchase brought   daily export beyond two million barrels. We
       the petroleum products, imported through   Sonatrach’s holdings in Medgaz up from   thank BOC for their consistent support and
       Dar es Salaam port, for June have dropped   42.96% to 51%, it explained.  look forward to maintaining the best-in-class
       compared to prices recorded in May, 2020,   “With this acquisition, Sonatrach becomes   operation of this important national asset.”
       the Tanzanian Energy and Water Utilities   a 51% shareholder in the new shareholding   Ihsan Ismaael, director-general of BOC,
       Regulatory Authority (Ewura) announced on   of Medgaz with its historic partner Naturgy   commented: “Petrofac continues to be a true
       June 2.                             [Spain] at 49% and thus strengthens its   partner to BOC, ensuring uninterrupted
         The new retail prices released by the   position as a major and reliable supplier   and record exports. We appreciate their
       regulator which takes effect from Wednesday,   of Algerian gas to importing customers to   commitment, particularly during this recent
       June 6, shows cap price for a litre of petrol   Europe, in particular the Iberian Peninsula   period, and congratulate them for hitting new
       has decreased by TZS348, or 18.65%, while   through the Medgaz gas pipeline,” the   export highs.”
       the price for diesel has fallen by TZS300, or   company said.

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 22   04•June•2020
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