Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 47 2022
P. 16

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       (1) Subsea Integration Alliance is a non-incor-  PAT-2 encountered high quality Oligocene tur-  drilling the wells, has been completed within
       porated strategic global alliance between Sub-  bidite sandstones close to the prognosed depth,  schedule and budget. Most importantly there
       sea7 and OneSubsea, the subsea technologies,  and preliminary interpretation of wireline log  have been no material safety or environmental
       production, and processing business of SLB,  data has indicated net pay thickness in line with  issues. The majority of the materials for the next
       bringing together field development planning,  pre-drill expectations. Reservoir quality is better  phase of the development are now either onsite
       project delivery and total lifecycle solutions  than predicted and closely aligned with PAT-1  or ready to be shipped to site. Subject to weather
       under an extensive technology and services  and wells in the adjacent Baúna and Piracaba  and other unforeseen delays, the project is on
       portfolio. As one team, Subsea Integration Alli-  fields.                track to commence production in the first quar-
       ance amplifies subsea performance by helping   Remaining activities associated with the  ter of CY2023.”
       customers to select, design, deliver, and operate  Patola development include the completion of   Background: The Patola oilfield was discov-
       the smartest subsea projects. This eliminates  both wells, installation of a subsea pipeline and  ered by Petrobras in 2011. The field is located
       costly revisions, avoids delays, and reduces risk  umbilicals from Patola to the Cidade de Itajaí  adjacent to the producing Baúna and Piracaba
       across the life of field.           FPSO and tying the wells into existing riser slots  fields and within the same concession, BM-S-40.
         (2) Subsea7 defines a substantial contract as  on the FPSO. Completion of FPSO pipework to   In June 2021, Karoon made a Final Invest-
       being one where its share of revenue is $150mn  tie the wells into the main production stream will  ment Decision (FID) to proceed with the
       and $300mn                          then be undertaken before the new facilities are  development of Patola. The development will
       Subsea7, November 18 2022           commissioned.                        comprise drilling two production wells, install-
                                              First production from the Patola field is  ing subsea infrastructure (well-heads and pres-
       Karoon provides                     targeted to commence in the first quarter of  sure controls, flowlines, risers, umbilicals and
                                           CY2023, with a short plateau production rate of  electrohydraulic control equipment) and tying
       development update                  more than 10,000 bpd of oil expected, prior to  the wells back to spare riser slots on the Baúna
                                           the onset of natural decline.
       on Patola field                     is planned that the Noble Developer drilling rig  the Maersk Developer drilling rig, is scheduled
                                              Following the Patola completion activities, it
                                                                                  Drilling of the two development wells, using
       Karoon Energy reports that PAT-2, the second  will move to the Neon field to drill the first of  to commence in late calendar 2022, following
       of two new production wells in the Patola field  potentially two Neon control wells, subject to the  the completion of the Baúna intervention cam-
       in the BM-S-40 production license offshore  receipt of regulatory approvals.  paign. Patola development is expected to come
       Brazil (Karoon – 100%), has been successfully   Dr. Julian Fowles, CEO and Managing  onstream in early CY2023 and to add more than
       drilled to a total depth of 2,313 metres utilis-  Director of Karoon, said: “Patola is Karoon’s first  10,000 bpd of oil to production prior to the wells
       ing the Noble Developer drilling rig (formerly  development project since taking over as oper-  commencing natural decline.
       known as the Maersk Developer). Like PAT-1,  ator of the Baúna concession. The first phase,   Karoon Energy, November 21 2022

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 47   23•November•2022
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