Page 11 - AfrElec Week 05 2023
P. 11
South Africa’s Sasol signs three
agreements to procure wind energy
SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH African global energy and chemicals fight against global warming.”
producer Sasol has signed three renewable Priscillah Mabelane, executive vice president
power purchase agreements (PPAs) totalling of Sasol’s Energy Business said her group and Air
289MW as it accelerates a programme to pro- Liquide’s efforts to procure 900 MW of renew-
cure 1,200MW of clean energy to decarbonise able energy to decarbonise their operations at
its operations. Secunda are “a step towards Sasol’s aim to pro-
Sasol’s facility at Secunda, South Africa, cure 1,200 MW of renewable energy capacity
which burns coal to produce a range of chemi- from IPPs by 2030, representing one of the larg-
cals, is among the world’s biggest single polluters. est renewable energy procurement programmes
In two releases on Tuesday (January 24), from the private sector in South Africa.”
Sasol said it and partner Air Liquide had signed In another statement, Sasol said it had secured
two deals with Enel Green Power for the long- an agreement for Msenge Emoyeni Wind Farm
term supply of a total capacity of 220MW of (Pty) Ltd (Msenge) to provide 69MW for the The PPAs will
renewable power to Secunda, where Air Liquide group’s Sasolburg site where it plans to produce
operates the biggest oxygen production site in green hydrogen. significantly
the world. The energy will originate from Msenge wind
The PPAs will significantly contribute to the farm in Bedford, Eastern Cape Province. The contribute to the
decarbonisation of Secunda, and in particular to farm was originally developed by Windlab South
the targeted 30% to 40% reduction of the carbon Africa but was acquired, further developed, and decarbonisation
emissions associated with the oxygen produc- will be taken to financial close by African Clean of Secunda.
tion, by 2031. Energy Developments (Pty) Ltd (ACED).
Under the deal, two local majority owned ACED represents a consortium consisting
wind projects will be created by Enel Green of African Infrastructure Investment Managers,
Power, a member of Italy’s Enel Group that through their IDEAS Fund and Reatile Renewa-
develops and manages of power generated from bles (Pty) Ltd (Reatile).
renewable resources worldwide. The projects are The South African government has priori-
scheduled to be operational in 2025. tised green hydrogen for strategic support.
Ronnie Chalmers, vice president and exec- Said Mabelane: “Sasol is undertaking renew-
utive committee member of the Air Liquide ables at scale while growing new value pools,
Group, in charge of Africa Middle East and such as green hydrogen, ensuring competitive
India, said: “By signing these long-term PPAs and sustainable returns. Sasol will progressively
with Enel Green Power, Air Liquide and Sasol shift its feedstock away from coal and towards
actively support the development of renewable gas as a transitionary feedstock, and then
energies in South Africa, for the benefit of the towards green hydrogen and sustainable carbon
South African electrical power system and the over the longer term.”
Week 05 01•February•2023 www. NEWSBASE .com P11