Page 30 - RusRPTJan21
P. 30

        Roskomnadzor (Russia’s Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media) has been​ ​empowered to fully or partially block online resources​ that restrict publicly significant information in Russia, including in connection with anti-Russian sanctions. The authors behind the law said that it was addressed to foreign social networks, but it could impact Russian companies, as well.
Social media fines for publishing information banned in Russia
Hosting providers and site owners who refuse to remove information banned in Russia now face​ ​high fines​ ranging from several hundred thousand to several million rubles. And the penalties for repeatedly refusing to remove banned content will amount to 10 to 20% of company revenue, meaning Internet giants like YouTube and Facebook could theoretically be fined millions or even billions of dollars.
Social media obliged to remove illegal information
Social networks that are visited by more than 500,000 Russian users daily will be included in a special Roskomnadzor registry. The owners of these sites have been​ o​ rdered​ to moderate and remove information prohibited by law. This law comes into force on February 1, 2021, but it doesn’t outline any penalties for failure to comply with it.
Stricter rules for demonstrations
Going forward, protest organizers are​ b​ anned​ from receiving money from abroad. Another law has​ ​prohibited​ journalists covering demonstrations from behaving like ordinary participants in a rally, for example, by campaigning or distributing leaflets. The law also prohibits organizing rallies near emergency services buildings and allows Russian courts to recognize queues for single-person pickets as group demonstrations.
Blocking streets becomes a criminal offense
A new law​ ​stipulates​ up to a year in prison for those who block roads and obstruct the movement of vehicles and pedestrians (this happens during rallies). If, through negligence, a person sustains minor injuries due to a blocked roadway, the maximum sentence is two years in prison, moderate injuries carry a three-year sentence, serious bodily harm is punishable by four years, and a death can lead to five years in prison.
Defamation punished with two years in prison
This law​ ​introduces​ criminal liability for spreading defamatory information about another person online. This is punishable by a fine of up to RUB1mn (about $13,400), up 240 hours of community service, up to two years of compulsory labor, up to two months in detention, or up to two years imprisonment.
New fines for promoting drugs online
Fines​ for ordinary citizens range from RUB5,000 to RUB30,000 (about $67–$400)
          30 ​RUSSIA Country Report​ January 2021 ​ ​

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