Page 31 - RusRPTJan21
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        For government officials and individual business owners, fines range from RUB50,000 to RUB100,000 rubles (about $670–$1,340)
Fines for legal entities are between RUB1mn and RUB1.5mn (about $13,400–$20,115)
Foreigners will be fined between RUB4,000 and RUB30,000 (about $54–$400), and will be expelled from Russia
Less transparency about property belonging to state officials and their relatives
Any personal data operators, for example, government agencies or mobile phone operators, are​ ​prohibited​ from​ ​disclosing personal information​ and data about property belonging to judges, prosecutors, investigators, military servicemen, law enforcement officers and regulatory officials, as well as individuals close to them.
Sobering-up stations back after 10 years
As of January 1, 2021, Russia’s regions will be able to set up fee-based medical stations for those who need to recover from alcohol consumption (these sobering-up stations were dissolved in 2011).
New minimum wage and subsistence minimum calculations
The Russian authorities have decided to calculate the minimum wage and the subsistence minimum based on median income, rather than on a market basket. As of January 1, 2021, the subsistence minimum will be 11,653 rubles a month (about $156, up from the current 11,468 rubles — $154) and the minimum wage will be 12,792 rubles a month (about $172, up from the current 12,130 rubles — $163).
The age for ‘youth’ increased to 35 years old
Prior to this law, people in the age group 14–30 were considered “youth” in Russia.
Fines for government officials who insult Russian citizens
The fines amount to between RUB50,000 and RUB100,000 (about $670–$1,340) for the first offense, and up to RUB150,000 (approximately $2,000) for repeat offenses.
Permission to demolish regional Soviet-era apartment blocks
The law on nationwide renovation (officially known as the law “on the integrated development of territories”), provides for resettlement and the demolition of unsafe and run-down buildings. The regions have been empowered to knock down not only damaged housing and buildings already slated for demolition, but also undamaged panel houses (Soviet-era apartment blocks), and houses requiring major repairs that are too costly for the authorities.
   31 ​RUSSIA Country Report​ January 2021 ​ ​

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