Page 11 - LatAmOil Week 46
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LatAmOil                                           NRG                                             LatAmOil

                         According to Timipre Sylva, the country’s min-  He said: “The well has been killed with brine
                         ister of state for petroleum resources, Abuja has  solution and is under control now. There is no
                         a good chance of securing the passage of the law  pressure in the well now, and it will be observed
                         before the end of the first quarter of 2021.  for 24 hours to check if there is any amount of gas
                           In related news, the Nigeria LNG (NLNG) con-  migration and pressure build-up.”
                         sortium has said it expects to raise the volume of   The developer experienced a blowout at the
                         LPG reserved for the domestic market to 450,000   well on May 27 after it tried to bring a new reser-
                         tonnes in 2021, up from current levels of 350,000   voir on stream. This led to “uncontrollable” flows
                         tonnes per year (tpy). The increase is in line with  of gas and condensate that eventually caught
                         the federal government’s efforts to promote the use   fire the following month, killing two OIL fire-
                         of LPG as cooking gas, said Tony Attah, NLNG’s  fighters and destroying roughly 30 homes. OIL
                         managing director.                   only managed to get the well fire under control
                           Meanwhile, the government of Ghana has  in mid-September, with Hazarika noting at the
                         reportedly ordered Eni of Italy to unitise the off-  time that well-killing operations were to begin
                         shore Sankofa field with Afina, a licence area  in three to four weeks.    OIL’s slow pace
                         assigned to a private Ghanaian company, Spring-  The company’s slow pace in terms of tackling
                         field Exploration and Production. In a letter viewed  the well fire has attracted criticism from the gov-  in tackling
                         last week by Bloomberg, Energy Minister John-Pe-  ernment, while also triggering local protests.  the well fire
                         ter Amewu said that his ministry was issuing this   A government-order investigation into the
                         demand because the two companies had failed to  blow out and subsequent explosion of the well   has attracted
                         work out a joint plan for development, in line with   slammed the company’s response to the disaster
                         previous instructions from Accra.    in July. The commission said OIL had not only   criticism from
                           Further west, a new investor is set to join the  failed to properly plan, execute and supervise a
                         consortium that is developing the Sangomar oil-  number of critical operations but had also failed   the Indian
                         field offshore Senegal. Australia’s FAR Ltd said last   to secure several government approvals prior to   government,
                         week that it had agreed to sell its 15% stake in RSSD   spudding the well almost a decade and a half ago.
                         to India’s ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL) for $66.58mn,   Protestors, meanwhile, have disrupted work   while also
                         with the possibility of further payments following   at the company’s drill sites and workover loca-
                         the start of production. The proceeds of the deal  tions across the state. This has led to lost oil and   triggering local
                         will allow FAR to make up for its failure to pay its   gas production, and the company said in its latest
                         own share of expenses over the last few months.  quarterly report last week that the disaster had   protests
                                                              cost it more than $30.5mn as of late September.
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   Despite various operational pressures, the
                         Africa’s oil and gas sector then please click here for   company announced a new gas discovery last
                         NewsBase’s AfrOil Monitor.           week. OIL said on November 13 that it had
                                                              struck a gas via the Dinjan-1 well in its Tinsukia
                         Asia: OIL extinguishes well fire     petroleum mining lease (PML), which is located
                         State-run Oil India Ltd (OIL) has finally extin-  in the Upper Assam Basin. The discovery, made
                         guished the well fire at Baghjan, a natural gas and  at some point in the first half of financial year
                         condensate field in Assam state, more than five  2020-2021, flowed at a rate of 115,000 cubic
                         months after the initial explosion. OIL spokes-  metres per day during testing.
                         man Tridiv Hazarika said on November 15
                         that the fire, which started on June 9, had been   If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         “doused completely” and that the company was   Asia’s oil and gas sector then please click here for
                         working to cap the Baghjan-5 well.   NewsBase’s AsianOil Monitor.

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