Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 49 2022
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LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Under the contract, Vallourec will deliver line-  square km of both open acreage made available
       pipe for ExxonMobil Guyana’s deep-water  by ANP via the new Permanent Offer mecha-
       Uaru project. The Uaru project is located in the  nism (POR) and the exploration blocks recently
       Stabroek Block, a 26,800 km2 strategic basin  awarded in the 17th Concession bid round and
       located off Guyana’s continental shelf, where  3rd Cycle of the POR.
       several important discoveries have been made   The Ramform Tethys will mobilise for the
       since 2015.                         survey in January 2023, and acquisition is sched-
         The Group will deliver 35,000 metric tons of  uled to complete in August 2023.
       line-pipe, including 2,000 metric tons of X80,   “We are pleased to announce this joint ven-
       an innovative and unique material developed  ture with PGS, further strengthening our 3D
       and qualified by Vallourec’s R&D teams. The  data library and position in Brazil. The Santos
       X80 combines high strength with resistance to  Sul 3D project will be instrumental in providing
       service conditions, making it a key enabler for  invaluable data and actionable insights into new
       future deeper-water developments.   and emerging plays outside the Pre-Salt, allow-
         Following the Yellowtail and Gas-to-Energy  ing our clients to de-risk their exploration activ-
       orders, signed under the same LTA, the Uaru  ities in the region for active and future licensing
       order further strengthens Vallourec’s strategic  rounds,” says TGS CEO Kristian Johansen.
       supplier relationship with ExxonMobil Guyana,   “We experience continued exploration inter-
       underpinned by a significant backlog of line-  est offshore Brazil where the combination of the
       pipe orders of approximately 90,000 metric tons  Ramform designed vessels and GeoStreamer
       (or 520 km of line pipe) booked since December  technology is in strong demand. The Santos
       2021.                               Sul Multi-client survey expands PGS and TGS  been successful and safely completed and each
         Vallourec will serve ExxonMobil Guyana  3D data coverage in Brazil and will provide  of the three wells is now producing oil through
       from its state-of-the-art Jeceaba (Minas Gerais)  high-quality data essential for the explora-  surface lines to a field-storage tank.
       factory which combines large production capac-  tion of these newly awarded blocks. The PGS/  Surface commissioning has now begun and,
       ities and premium capabilities.     TGS collaboration in this portion of the Santos  given the length of time that these wells have
         Philippe Guillemot, Chairman and Chief  basin also provides coverage over a wider area  been offline, infrastructure integrity is being
       Executive Officer of Vallourec, commented:  available through the permanent offer licensing  fully confirmed. This is expected to take several
       “This significant new contract represents the  round,” says PGS’ President and CEO Rune Olav  weeks, during which time the flow rate from
       third under the 10-year frame agreement signed  Pedersen.                the wells will be at intentionally reduced levels
       last year with ExxonMobil Guyana. Our new   TGS, December 7 2022         to enable the surface infrastructure to be fully
       grade X80 has been qualified by ExxonMobil                               tested under production conditions.
       and will be field-proven with this order, demon-  Echo Energy reports      Following successful commissioning, each
       strating Vallourec’s ability to deliver solutions                        well will then be independently assessed with a
       to the industry that are both technology and   successful reactivation   mobile test unit, to confirm the yet to be deter-
       efficiency enablers. This is a new milestone in                          mined flow-potential of this cluster.
       Vallourec’s long history with ExxonMobil, and I   of three wells at Chorillos   The Company looks forward to continuing
       would like to thank ExxonMobil once again for                            to update shareholders on further progress on
       its confidence and our own teams for this great   field in Argentina     these operations and in respect of the Enhance-
       work”.                                                                   ment Plan.
         The contract is subject to ExxonMobil Guy-  Echo Energy, the Latin American-focused   Santa Cruz Sur is a collection of 5 produc-
       ana securing necessary approvals from the Gov-  energy company, has provided an operational  tion concessions located in the onshore Austral
       ernment of Guyana for the project.  update regarding progress in the reactivation of  Basin, southern Argentina
       Vallourec, November 30 2022         three wells in the Chorillos field, announced by   Martin Hull, CEO of Echo Energy, com-
                                           the Company on November 10, 2022.    mented: “The three-well reactivation plan is
       TGS and PGS expand                  is in addition to the Santa Cruz Sur produc-  Santa Cruz Sur Assets. These wells were offline
                                              This three-well reactivation programme  an important operational development for our
       multi-client coverage               tion and infrastructure enhancement plan first  at the time of and prior to Echo’s acquisition
                                           announced by the Company on July 7, 2022,  of an interest in Santa Cruz Sur in 2019 and
       offshore Brazil                     and has been prioritised by the Santa Cruz Sur  our ability to safely, and successfully, reactivate
                                           partners in seeking to further increase liquids  these wells back to production is a great exam-
       TGS, a global provider of energy data and intelli-  production from the Chorillos field.  ple of the breadth of the low-risk opportunity
       gence, has announced, in partnership with PGS,   As previously announced, three candidate  set that exists within our assets. This three-well
       that it has secured pre-funding for the Santos  wells (Cho-10, Cho-13, Cho-19) had been  programme is in addition to the previously
       Sul Multi-client 3D project in the southwest  offline for four years due to surface constraints  announced Santa Cruz Sur production and
       Santos Basin offshore Brazil. The TGS/PGS col-  and were identified for reactivation without use  infrastructure enhancement plan and in light of
       laboration combines the operational and tech-  of the workover rig. Recently completed infra-  the initial success, we look forward to executing
       nical strengths of both companies to provide  structure upgrades had removed prior con-  similar opportunities, of which we believe there
       high-quality multi-client data and timely deliv-  straints, enabling these wells to be brought back  to be many, in the future. We remain committed
       ery, which are critical to the exploration efforts  into production.     to delivering on our strategy to grow production
       in this area.                          The Company is pleased to announce that  and look forward to reporting further progress.”
         The survey will cover more than 15,000  operations to reactivate the three wells have now   Echo Energy, December 6 2022

       Week 49   07•December•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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