Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 01 2021
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Georgia Senate runoff a

       game-changer for Biden

       The Democrats’ double victory in Georgia’s runoff election

       narrowly hands them control of the Senate, making it

       significantly easier for US President-elect Joe Biden to
       proceed with his legislative agenda

        US               US President-elect Joe Biden is set to have an eas-  dismissed since November. Trump had also
                         ier time pushing through his legislative agenda  repeatedly called on Vice-President Mike Pence
       WHAT:             than previously expected, after his Democratic  to overturn the result when the latter presided
       Biden will now be able   Party won the double Senate runoff election in  over the January 6 joint Congressional session.
       to push through his   Georgia this week. As a result of the Georgia  But Pence made it clear that he would not do
       legislative agenda more   victory – which had previously been considered  so, and Biden’s victory was certified in the early
       easily.           unlikely and sees Democrats win Senate races in  hours of January 7, after the Capitol was secured
                         the state for the first time since 2000 – the Demo-  following the riot.
       WHY:              crat and Republican numbers will be evenly split   Finally, Trump conceded that he would be
       A double Democrat   in the Senate at 50 each. However, incoming  leaving office and handing over power after
       victory in Georgia’s runoff   US Vice-President Kamala Harris will have the  Biden’s victory was certified. He maintained,
       has narrowly handed   tie-breaking vote for the Democrats.  however, that he “totally” disagreed with the
       their party control of the                             outcome of the election. Despite Trump’s ongo-
       Senate.           Violence and chaos                   ing objections, however, the handover of power
                         The Georgia result still needs to be officially  to Biden is set to take place on January 20, and
       WHAT NEXT:        certified in the coming days, and it was over-  will likely be smoother now that Trump has
       Biden is expected to focus   shadowed by a day of violence and chaos in  agreed to it – though further violence by certain
       more on decarbonisation   Washington, DC. A mob of extremist support-  factions among his supporters cannot be ruled
       than his predecessor   ers of incumbent US President Donald Trump  out.
       Donald Trump, whose   broke into the US Capitol, disrupting the Con-
       final days in office are   gressional process to certify the electoral college  Biden’s agenda
       proving tumultuous.  vote in November’s presidential election.  Once Biden is in office, his task will be made sig-
                           Trump had hitherto refused to accept Biden’s  nificantly easier by the Democrats having control
                         election victory, alleging widespread voter fraud  over the whole of Congress. Initial expectations
                         but failing to present credible evidence to back  in the wake of the presidential election were that
                         up his claims. Numerous lawsuits by the Trump  the Republicans would hang on to Senate control
                         campaign and its supporters have been lost or  and would be able to block his proposals.

                                                                                                  The Georgia
                                                                                                  runoff result was
                                                                                                  overshadowed by chaos
                                                                                                  and violence at the US

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