Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 06 2022
P. 12

NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       MIDSTREAM                           dedicated to the Marten Hills system.  drive new technology adoption, as renewable
                                              The Marten Hills pipeline system has been   petrochemical feedstocks have grown in
       Rangeland Midstream                 in service since mid-2020 with a perfect safety   interest as consumers prefer more bio-based
                                                                                products,” said Ben Owens, vice president
       Canada brings new pump              RANGELAND MIDSTREAM CANADA, February   and general manager, Honeywell Sustainable
                                                                                Technology Solutions. “We see renewable
                                           08, 2022
       station into service                                                     naphtha produced from the UOP Ecofining
                                                                                process as a proven solution available today
       Rangeland Midstream Canada, a wholly   DOWNSTREAM                        to help petrochemical producers reduce the
       owned subsidiary of Rangeland Energy III,                                carbon footprint of their products compared
       today announced its Headwater pump station   Honeywell introduces new    to using petroleum-based feeds.”
       was commissioned in January 2022. The                                      For additional methods of decarbonisation,
       new pump station, part of the Marten Hills   technology to produce key   the UOP Ecofining process for renewable
       pipeline system in northern Alberta, is needed                           naphtha can be combined with renewable
       specifically to service the increasing volumes   feedstock for plastics  hydrogen supply and CO2 capture and
       of crude oil from Headwater Exploration.                                 sequestration through the Honeywell H2
         Rangeland Canada built and        Honeywell today announced that it has   Solutions portfolio. For example, for an
       commissioned the new Headwater pump   introduced a new solution for producing   Ecofining unit with renewable hydrogen and
       station to transport Headwater’s growing   renewable naphtha for petrochemical   CO2 capture processing 10,000 barrels per
       oil production volumes in the Marten Hills   production using the commercially proven   day of sustainable oil feedstock such as used
       region. Headwater recently reported a   Honeywell UOP Ecofining™ technology.   cooking oil, renewable naphtha can deliver
       successful exploration program targeting the   The new pathway can produce high yield of   more than 1 million metric tons of CO2
       Clearwater formation in Marten Hills, and its   naphtha from sustainable feedstocks like used   emission reductions annually compared to
       board of directors approved a capital budget   cooking oil and animal fats.  petroleum naphtha.
       increase to S145mn to allow for the drilling of   Naphtha is a valuable petrochemical   HONEYWELL, February 09, 2022
       new exploration prospects in 2022.  feedstock used in the production of plastics,
         “In total, 120 new wells were drilled   specifically olefins that are building blocks for
       in the Marten Hills 450,000-acre area   other chemicals and aromatics that are used   SERVICES
       of mutual interest (AMI) in 2021,” said   to produce polyester and other packaging
       Rangeland Canada vice president of business   materials. Naphtha is traditionally derived   NextMart – acquisition of
       development Briton Speer. “Oil production   from crude oil and natural gas condensates
       continues to grow across the Marten Hills   but can now be produced from renewable   oilfield services company
       region. We stand ready to make additional   feedstocks. Renewable naphtha from
       capital investments in our pipeline system to   sustainable feeds such as used cooking oil   NextMart would like to announce that it has
       support the growth of area producers in 2022   has a 50-80% lower greenhouse gas footprint   entered into an agreement to acquire all of
       and beyond.”                        compared to petroleum feeds, depending on   the assets and book of oilfield business from
         The Marten Hills pipeline system   the feedstock.                      Defender Contracting, a Texas limited liability
       throughput has doubled since start-up in July   Prior to the introduction of renewable   company, located in Monahans, Texas.
       2020, and the system is now operating at 80%  naphtha solution, the UOP Ecofining   Pursuant to the terms of the agreement,
       of capacity. The Marten Hills pipeline system   technology has been used to produce   the company will purchase all the operational
       spans approximately 85 km (52.8 miles)   predominantly Honeywell Green Diesel and   assets (e.g., 10 oilfield tractor trucks with
       across northern Alberta, terminating at an   Honeywell Green Jet fuel, with small amounts   trailers and related equipment), Defender’s
       interconnect with Plains Midstream Canada’s   of bio-naphtha being produced as a secondary   book of oilfield business, and retain most
       Rainbow Pipeline System, which serves   product. The same Ecofining technology   if not all of Defender’s work force. These
       the Edmonton, Alberta, hub and refining   can be adapted to produce high yields of   assets acquired from Defender will be placed
       market.                             renewable naphtha as its predominant   into the company’s main oilfield service
         Rangeland Canada has long-term    product, reflecting the versatility of the   operational entity, EMCO Oilfield Services
       transportation agreements in place with three   Ecofining design and ability to produce a   (Emco), which was originally acquired in
       of the region’s largest crude oil producers.   range of products based on market needs.  January 2022.
       The agreements span a 450,000-acre AMI   “We are actively engaged with customers to   William Bouyea (CEO of the company),

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 06   10•February•2022
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