Page 18 - FSUOGM Week 49
P. 18

FSUOGM                                 PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                         FSUOGM

       Tatneft to continue work at

       Turkmen onshore field

        TURKMENISTAN     RUSSIA’S Tatneft is set to continue its work in  to bring it into commercial development was
                         enhanced oil recovery (EOR) at the Goturdepe  launched in 2018. The Turkmen government has
       Tatneft has been   field in Turkmenistan under a contract exten-  been seeking investors for North Goturdepe for
       working at the mature   sion, the company said on December 4.  years but is yet to forge any partnerships.
       onshore oilfield for ten   Tatneft, whose activities are mostly in Russia’s   Also near the Caspian shore, Turkmenistan
       years.            Tatarstan region, has been providing its technol-  discovered the Uzynada field in 2017, after drill-
                         ogies and expertise at Goturdepe since 2010  ing a super-deep well measuring more than
                         under a contract for workover services and EOR.  7,000 metres in depth. It is seeking a foreign
                         During that time some $32mn has been invested  partner there as well.
                         in restoring oil production at 128 wells.  Turkmenistan’s preference is to bring on
                           The contract has now been extended for eight  board foreign partners like Tatneft as contrac-
                         years until 2028, Tatneft said in a statement.  tors to develop its onshore oil and gas, rather
                           Goturdpe is situated near the Caspian Sea  than providing them with operatorships and
                         some 90 km from Balkanabat and is one of Turk-  subsoil rights at assets. The exceptions are Chi-
                         menistan’s oldest oilfields. It was first drilled in  na’s CNPC, which has a production-sharing
                         1948 and was brought into production in 1959.  agreement (PSA) for the Bagtyyarlyk gas block
                         Its operator is state oil concern Turkmenneft.  in south-eastern Turkmenistan, Italy’s Eni with
                           Turkmen geologists discovered another  a PSA for the Nebit Dag field in western Turk-
                         field nearby, North Goturdepe, in 2010. The  menistan and Austria’s Mitro International at the
                         field straddles the Caspian shore, and a project  Hazar field, also in the west. ™

       TCO says Tengiz expansion still on

       track despite COVID-19 surge

        KAZAKHSTAN       THE Chevron-led Tengiz giant oilfield project in  the workforce with shift workers arriving at the
                         Kazakhstan has reported a fresh surge in corona-  field being subject to testing and quarantine, he
       There were 140 new   virus cases but the field’s operator Tengizchevroil  added.
       cases of infection at the   (TCO) said it remained confident that no impact   "Now workers are divided into different
       field in November and   would be felt in ongoing multi-billion-dollar  zones, which do not interact with each other, and
       71 since the start of   expansion work, Upstream has reported.  are isolated from each other. Other measures are
       December.           More medical personnel have been dis-  in place too, such as masks and social distancing”
                         patched to the field to prevent the further  he said.
                         spreading of the infection. Earlier in 2020, TCO   "Tengiz is a very large construction project.
                         employed strict measures and the demobilisa-  There is the construction of a third-generation
                         tion of workers in order to curb an initial spike  plant and many related facilities. As of today,
                         in infections among workers. November saw 140  there are about 27,000 people at the field. In Feb-
                         new cases of infection reported at the field, but  ruary, there were about 50,000,” he told report-
                         as of the end of last week 71 new cases have been  ers. ™
                         reported since the beginning of December.
                           “The infection ward in Tengiz has 315 beds,
                         of which 111 are occupied,” authorities at an offi-
                         cial communication centre in Atyrau Region,
                         where Tengiz is located, said.
                           There are no plans to reduce output at
                         Tengiz due to the coronavirus, Atyrau gover-
                         nor Makhambet Dosmukhambetov said at a
                           TCO is carrying out “a special regimen” for

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 49   09•December•2020
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