Page 4 - DMEA Week 27
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Total-led Mozambique LNG gets

       $15.7bn in financing

       Very weak market conditions and an increase in insurgent activity could make it harder

       for other export projects in northern Mozambique to get the financing they need

        MOZAMBIQUE       THE Mozambique LNG project has secured  with 26.5%; two Japanese companies, Mitsui and
                         $15.8bn in financing, FNB Mozambique, a  Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corp. (JOG-
       WHAT:             division of South African bank FirstRand,  MEC), with 20%; Bharat Petroleum (India),
       Mozambique LNG has   announced this week. According to FNB, con-  with 15%; Beas Rovuma Energy Mozambique
       secured $15.8bn in   tracts for the funding were signed on July 3  (a 60:40 joint venture between ONGC Videsh
       financing.        with a consortium of 20 banking institutions.  Ltd (OVL) and Oil India Ltd (OIL), with 10%;
                         FirstRand’s investment banking arm Rand Mer-  Mozambique’s national oil company (NOC)
       WHY:              chant Bank (RMB) said in May it was part of the  ENH, with 10%; and PTTEP (Thailand), with
       Most of it came from   group, and Societe Generale has also confirmed  8.5%.
       Japanese lenders, as   its involvement.                  The partners are building their gas liquefac-
       Japan will take some of   Japanese lenders also played a major role,  tion plant on the Afungi Peninsula within the
       the project’s gas.  according to Nikkei Financial Review. A group  framework of the Mozambique LNG project.
                         of Japanese private and public-sector lenders  The onshore facility will process natural gas from
       WHAT NEXT:        agreed to provide JPY1.5 trillion ($13.95bn)  Area 1, an offshore block in the Rovuma Basin. It
       Market conditions   worth of financing for the Mozambique LNG  will eventually have two production trains, each
       present challenges to   scheme, the newspaper said. France’s Total is  with a capacity of 6.44mn tpy. The first train is
       other export projects in   leading the consortium set up to carry out the  due to come on stream in 2024.
       Mozambique.       project, in which Japanese investors have a 20%
                         stake.                               Armed attack
                           According to Nikkei Financial Review, the  In related news, Fenix Construction Services, a
                         credits will come from a syndicate that includes  local third-party contractor that has contributed
                         state-run Japan Bank for International Co-op-  to the Mozambique LNG project, reported last
                         eration (JBIC), as well as the country’s top three  week that eight of its employees had been killed
                         private sector commercial banks, Mitsubishi  in an armed attack by a militant Islamist group.
                         UFJ Financial Group (MUFG), Sumitomo Mit-  Fenix, which has been working under con-
                         sui Financial and Mizuho Financial. Nippon  tract to some of the Mozambique LNG con-
                         Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI), an  sortium’s sub-contractors, said it had suffered
                         entity affiliated with the Japanese government,  casualties after gunmen struck one of its vehicles
                         has agreed to cover default risk for the syndicate  near Mocimboa da Praia, a town in Cabo Del-
                         and will insure the credits for the private banks.  gado. Eight out of the 14 workers riding in the
                           JBIC is slated to make the largest contribu-  vehicle died in the attack, while another three are
                         tion, as it will provide $3bn worth of credits to the  still missing, it stated.
                         Mozambique LNG consortium. The remaining   This is not the first action that Islamist forces
                         sums will come from the Japanese commercial  have carried out in the area. Armed militants
                         banks and from the African Development Bank  attacked and occupied Mocimboa da Praia,
                         (AfDB), a multi-lateral financial institution.  which lies south of the site where Mozambique
                           Japan has a strong interest in ensuring the  LNG is building its onshore gas liquefaction
                         success of the Mozambique LNG consortium.  plant, in March this year. They also attacked a
                         Total and its partners are building a gas liquefac-  convoy of workers in February 2019, injuring
                         tion plant that will eventually turn out more than  four people.
                         12mn tonnes per year (tpy) of LNG, and 30% of   The increase in insurgent activities in north-
                         the total is slated to go to Jera, a joint venture  ern Mozambique over recent years could make
                         set up by Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO),  it harder for other major export projects in the
                         Chubu Electric Power, Tokyo Gas and Tohoku  region to secure the financing they need. Very
                         Electric Power. Jera’s members intend to regasify  weak market conditions are of course another
                         the LNG so that it can be used to fuel thermal  factor. ExxonMobil and Italy’s Eni want to build
                         power plants (TPPs).                 a 15.2mn tpy LNG export plant in Mozambique,
                           Equity in the Mozambique LNG consortium  but delayed taking a final investment decision
                         is split between Total E&P Mozambique Area 1,  (FID) until 2021 following the oil price crash.™

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 27   09•July•2020
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