Page 17 - LatAmOil Week 08 2021
P. 17

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Petrobras starts binding            barrels per day (bpd) of oil and 67,000 cubic  governance standards, including with regard to
                                           metres per day of gas. Petrobras is the operator  the pricing policies for company products. The
       phase of Carmopolis                 in these fields, with 100% stake.    members of the Executive Board have a mandate
                                                                                in effect until March 20, 2021 and have the sup-
                                           Petrobras, February 19 2021
       Cluster sale                                                             port of the Board.”
                                                                                Petrobras, February 23 2021
       Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed  MOVES
       on November 19, 2020, has announced the
       beginning of the binding phase regarding the   Petrobras on Extraordinary   FINANCE
       sale of all of its stakes in a set of 11 onshore pro-
       duction field concessions, with integrated facili-  General Meeting call  Petrobras approves
       ties, located in the state of Sergipe, jointly called
       the Carmópolis Cluster.             Petrobras, following up the press release dis-  dividend payment
         Potential buyers qualified for this phase will  closed on February 19, 2021, in response to the
       receive a process letter with detailed instructions  Ministry of Mines and Energy’s Official Letter  Petrobras, informs that its Board of Directors,
       on the divestment process, including guidelines  requesting measures to convene an Extraor-  at a meeting held today, approved dividends to
       for due diligence and the submission of binding  dinary General Meeting (EGM) in order to  shareholders based on the 2020 annual results
       proposals.                          promote the replacement and election of a  in the amount of BRL10.3bn, corresponding to
         This disclosure complies with the Petrobras’  member of the Board of Directors, and appoint-  BRL0.787446 per common and preferred share.
       internal rules and with the provisions of the  ing Joaquim Silva e Luna to replace Roberto da   This value is equivalent to 5% of the share
       special procedure for assignment of rights to  Cunha Castello Branco, informs that the com-  capital, applied to both preferred and com-
       exploration, development and production of oil,  pany’s Board of Directors met on this date and,  mon shares. Of the total amount, BRL5.7bn
       natural gas and other fluid hydrocarbons, pro-  by majority vote:        refer to the allocation of 2020 annual results
       vided for in Decree 9,355/2018.        a) authorised the call of an EGM to be held  and BRL4.6bn come from the profit retention
         This transaction is aligned with the strategy of  before the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of  reserve.
       portfolio optimisation and the improvement of  2021 to (i) the removal of Roberto da Cunha   The proposed dividend, higher than the
       the company’s capital allocation, concentrating  Castello Branco from his position as member of  mandatory minimum, was made possible by the
       increasingly its resources on world-class assets  the Board of Directors of Petrobras, which, once  strong cash generation of the company in 2020
       in deep and ultra-deep waters, where Petrobras  effective, pursuant to the provisions of § 3 of art.  and is in line with the commitment to generate
       has demonstrated great competitive edge over  141 of the Corporation Law, will result in the  value for shareholders.
       the years.                          removal of the other 7 (seven) members of the   The payment will be made in Brazil on April
         The Carmópolis Cluster comprises 11  Petrobras Board of Directors elected by the mul-  29, 2021 and shareholders will be entitled to this
       onshore production concessions, located in dif-  tiple vote process at the AGM of July 22, 2020; (ii)  dividend as follows: 1. The record date for own-
       ferent municipalities in the state of Sergipe, and  the election of 8 (eight) members of the Petro-  ers of Petrobras shares traded on B3 will be April
       includes access to infrastructure for processing,  bras Board of Directors; and (iii) the election of  14, 2021, and for holders of American Deposi-
       offloading, storage and transportation of oil and  the Chairman Petrobras Board of Directors;  tary Receipts (ADRs) traded on the New York
       natural gas.                           b) delegated to the Chairman of the Board of  Stock Exchange - NYSE will be April 16, 2021. 2.
         The Atalaia Cluster, which contains, among  Directors the definition of the date of the EGM  Petrobras’ shares will be traded ex-dividends on
       other assets, the Aracaju Waterway Terminal  in reference, considering the need to adopt pre-  B3 and NYSE as of April 15, 2021.
       (Tecarmo) and the Bonsucesso-Atalaia Oil  liminary measures to the mentioned call.  The value of this dividend will be adjusted by
       Pipeline, which flows the oil production from   The nomination will be submitted to the  the Selic rate from December 31, 2020 until the
       the concessions to Tecarmo are also part of the  company’s management and integrity review  payment date. This dividend proposal will be
       Carmópolis Cluster.                 process and subject to review by the Personnel  sent to the endorsement of the General Share-
         In the year 2020, the average production  Committee. The Board of Directors said: “It will  holder´s Meeting to be held on April 14.
       of the Carmópolis Cluster was around 10,000  continue to rigorously watch over Petrobras’   Petrobras, February 24 2021

       Week 08   25•February•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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