Page 18 - FSUOGM Week 03 2023
P. 18

FSUOGM                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       “The formula of Ukrainian           between Ukraine and the whole civilised   existed between 2021 and 2022; however, it
                                           world. We are so grateful for all the support
                                                                                has now been made permanent. Belarusian
       survival is unity!" CEO of          we receive daily from our international   refineries will this be competing on the
                                                                                same grounds as Russian ones. Russia’s
                                           partners. Ukraine will survive this winter
       Ukraine's largest energy            and become stronger. And we will definitely   demand for allowing this reimbursement
                                           win,” he added.
                                                                                has long been that Belarus sign a common
       company tells Atlantic Council      also taken a hit during the war; with solar,   tax agreement with Russia, which it did in
                                              Ukraine’s renewable energy sector has
       forum                               wind and thermal seeing a significant   Belarus’ deficit-heavy budget and help the
                                                                                  This reimbursement will help support
                                           drop in capacity. Around 80% of wind
       Maxim Timchenko, the CEO of DTEK,   generation is out of action due to damage or   government keep the deficit below 3% of
       Ukraine’s leading power company, joined   occupation by Russian forces. Nevertheless,   GDP.
       the Atlantic Council’s discussion “Europe in   DTEK has successfully resumed electricity   While speaking about the matter
       Crisis: The path forward” at the 2023 Forum   supply from the solar power plant   with state Belarusian media, Seliverstov
       on January 16.                      Tryfonivska after it was liberated and is   mentioned that "…this is such a tangible
         The meeting focused on energy security   providing electricity to settlements in the   amount that would allow our refineries,
       and decarbonisation efforts, as well as   Kherson region.                which process petroleum products
       the impact Russia’s full-scale invasion of   Timchenko is keen to show that Ukraine   necessary for our domestic market, to
       Ukraine has had on the energy transition   and Europe’s energy sectors will have a   have the same terms and conditions as
       process. Timchenko highlighted the   close relationship in the future. Ukraine’s   in the Russian Federation, and to benefit
       devastating effect of Russia’s attacks on   renewable energy sector will see major   economically there from the rather
       Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, which has   investments post-war as the country looks   acceptably favourable conditions.”
       resulted in rolling blackouts across the   toward a green future alongside the EU.  From this statement it’s worth noting
       country.                               “DTEK, Ukraine’s largest private energy   the part of processing petroleum products
         “The energy crisis is different for the   company, is investing in Europe’s energy   necessary for the domestic market. In early
       EU and Ukraine. For European people,   security. We first connected the Ukrainian   2022, Belarus had been deprived of almost
       this crisis is reflected in households’ bills   grids to the European Grid System in   every export route for its oil products (and
       and the cost of electricity. For Ukrainians,   March 2022, so our energy sector is already   more), with the Russian channel being the
       it is about the number of hours they have   a part of the EU. It means that all future   only one remaining.
       electricity supply or the number of hours   investments in Ukraine's energy sector   Already in April, Belarus’ Naftan and
       they have to spend in a bomb shelter. In   should be considered as part of European   Mozyr oil refineries halved their processing;
       fact, it’s all about the energy war that started   energy security,” Timchenko said.  shortly afterwards, Belarus’ Deputy Prime
       many years ago with the blackmailing of gas   “Moreover, Ukraine has huge potential in   Minister said that “in view of restrictions,
       prices. For years we have warned that Putin   developing renewable energy, meaning we   including those based on sanctions, we've
       is weaponising energy and now we are all in   can play a significant role in the European   optimised oil refining at two oil refineries of
       this reality,” Timchenko said, according to   green transition,” he added.  ours in order to meet needs of the domestic
       the press release.                                                       market.”
         DTEK has suffered significantly from                                     Belarus could be purely focused on
       Russia’s energy attacks since they began   Belarus expects to receive    refining for its domestic sector, while only
       on October 10. The company has so far                                    exporting small amounts to international
       recorded over 170 strikes by missiles,   $650mn in reimbursement from    markets through Russian ports. This
       kamikaze drones and rockets, damaging                                    should be the most reasonable conclusion,
       11,000 pieces of thermal power plants’   Russian tax manoeuvre           considering that Russian ports are already
       (TPPs) equipment. By October 24, DTEK                                    busy enough with Russian goods and
       had lost $40mn in just two weeks.   On Monday, January 16, Belarusian Finance   Belarusian potash.
         Russia’s strikes on Ukrainian energy   Minister Yuri Seliverstov announced   However, now, Belarus may also better
       infrastructure are relentless, with the   that the country is expecting RUB1.7bn   compete with Russian companies on the
       tenth attack taking place on January 14,   (approx. $647.4mn) in reimbursements   domestic Russian market. Moreover,
       killing over 40 people after a missile hit a   from Russia’s reverse excise tax (a.k.a. the   Belarus is trying to stimulate oil exports.
       residential building in Dnipro. Currently,   tax manoeuvre). This exceeds previous   After lowering tariffs in September 2022,
       5-6mn people are without electricity in   estimates by experts of $500mn.  they were cut once more starting from
       Ukraine.                               During Russian President Vladimir   January 1, 2023
         “The formula of Ukrainian survival is   Putin’s visit to Minsk in late December,   In late November 2022, the Belarusian
       unity! That means unity between private   Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko  state company Gomeltransneft Druzhba
       and state companies: we work together   managed to negotiate favourable energy   asked Transneft to increase the tariff on oil
       every day, exchange equipment and help   prices for Belarus in 2023. Furthermore, as   by 39% starting from January 1, 2023. The
       each other. It is also unity between energy   a result of Belarus’ co-operation with Russia   official said that Gomeltransneft Druzhba
       companies and the military, working   in 2022, Russia will reimburse Belarusian   had asked for the tariff increase since it
       together to protect our energy facilities, and   oil refineries for the reverse excise tax. This   expected the flow of oil through the pipeline
       become more experienced and creative,”   leaves Belarusian refineries with oil supplies   to halve in 2023.
       Timchenko emphasised.               at a price of $80 per barrel.
         “Importantly, it also means unity    A similar but temporary agreement also

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 03   18•January•2023
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