Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 32
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Titan Rock Exploration &
Production selects Quorum
for upstream oil and gas
solutions that drive growth
Quorum So ware, the leader in digital transformation for the oil and gas industry, today announced that Titan Rock Exploration & Production, a private equity-backed upstream company based in Dallas, selected Quorum’s upstream oil and gas solutions to support its assets. To accommodate current operations and position the company for future growth, Titan Rock chose Quorum’s cloud-based production allocations and reporting, SCADA monitoring and land management solutions, which scale with the needs of start-up operators.
“A er extensively researching and trialling other so ware providers, we found that Quorum provides the right mix of functionality and industry expertise,” said Robert Martinez, CEO, Titan Rock. “ e so ware is packaged and priced to help
us control overhead costs while providing exceptional vision into our day-to-day operations.”
Quorum’s upstream on demand oil and gas so ware is available in a SaaS delivery model, designed for growth-focused exploration
and production (E&P) companies in need
of cost-e ective solutions that are simple to implement, easy to use and do not require extensive IT or capital resources. With a focus on organic and inorganic growth, Titan Rock needed quality production data to support  eld operations,  nancial reporting and optimize cash  ow.
“We used traditional so ware systems in the past that I knew would be too resource-
intensive for a company of our size. Initially, we chose a simple, low-cost app to track production volumes but quickly learned that it didn’t have the functionality to scale with our business,” said Martinez.
“ ere is a tremendous opportunity
for small and midsized E&P companies to
use so ware as a tool for growth. Our SaaS o erings allow them to stay nimble, operate lean and make faster operational adjustments to stay ahead of the competition,” said Soroosh Seyhoon, vice president of sales, Quorum So ware. “We value the partnerships we have with companies like Titan Rock. Quorum is
a so ware company, but our people are the source of our oil and gas DNA. Helping E&P companies succeed and powering innovation in this industry are what drive us.”
QUORUM SOFTWARE, August 14, 2019
NuStar Energy receives first shipment of long- haul Permian crude oil at its Corpus Christi North Beach export terminal via connection to Cactus II pipeline
NuStar Energy announced today that it has received its  rst shipment of Permian crude at its Corpus Christi North Beach Terminal, and that the terminal will load the  rst cargo of the long-haul Permian crude onto a ship for export this weekend.  e shipment comes on the heels of NuStar’s recent completion
of a project connecting the partnership’s
existing 16” pipeline in South Texas to the Plains Cactus II pipeline that transports WTI volumes from the Permian Basin to South Texas.
NuStar is also currently nearing completion of connections of its South Texas Pipeline System to two other long-haul pipelines that will also move WTI volumes from the Permian to South Texas.
“We are excited to have these connections completed and we are even more excited that we will soon be the  rst in the Port of Corpus Christi to export these barrels transported to South Texas via one of three large Permian long-haul pipeline projects,” said Brad Barron, president and chief executive o cer of NuStar Energy. “ e second stage of our export project, a new 8-mile 30” pipeline to transport WTI volumes from a connection to Cactus II in Ta , Texas to our Corpus Christi terminal is also on-schedule to be in service this quarter.
“We continue to believe that the biggest impact from the growth in the Permian Basin on the horizon is the growth in Gulf Coast crude exports, particularly from the Port of Corpus Christi, and with our existing pipeline and terminal operations in South Texas and Corpus Christi we are uniquely positioned
to play a major role in getting more crude to export markets,” Barron added.
NUSTAR ENERGY, August 14, 2019
Kinder Morgan announces additional projects to enhance capabilities at Houston Ship Channel facilities
Kinder Morgan today announced a series of projects, totalling over $170mn of capital investment, that will increase e ciency, add product liquidity, and enhance blending capabilities at its Pasadena and Galena Park terminals, part of its best-in-class re ned products storage hub on the Houston Ship Channel.
In response to growing customer demand, KMI’s liquids terminal platform now boasts 10 ship docks, 38 barge spots, 20 inbound pipelines providing connectivity to 10 regional re neries and chemical plants, 15 outbound pipelines, 14 cross-channel lines, and approximately 43 million barrels of storage on the Houston Ship Channel, North America’s leading port for energy exports.
KINDER MORGAN, August 14, 2019
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Week 32 15•August•2019

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