Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 32
P. 11

Crestwood announces commercial operations
at Bear Den II processing plant, record arrow production volumes in August 2019 and long-term contract extensions in the Bakken
Crestwood Equity Partners today announced that it has begun commercial operations at the Bear Den II processing plant in Watford City, North Dakota. Concurrently, Crestwood brought online the Station 8 Compression Facility, a 27,500 HP electric driven trunkline compression station, and expanded the Bear Den West and Bear Den Loop pipelines, 36-miles of 20-inch high pressure lines that connect the Bear Den processing complex to the Arrow gathering system.
New gathering records are being set on the Arrow system as a result of debottlenecking projects, increasing initial production rates and reservoir productivity. In August 2019, daily gathering volumes have exceeded 124,000 bpd of crude oil, 96 mmcf per day
of natural gas, and 84,000 bpd of produced water. Crestwood now expects Arrow producers to connect 110 new wells in
2019. Further, Crestwood has successfully negotiated contract extensions with active producers on the Arrow system resulting in an average remaining term of 9.3 years.
Robert G. Phillips, chairman, president, and chief executive o cer, commented: “Today is an important day for Crestwood as the start-up of the Bear Den II plant is
a key milestone in our long-term Bakken growth strategy to provide our producers with exceptional customer service and  ow assurance for their growing production
on the Arrow gathering system. Our project management, operations, safety,
environmental and technical services teams did a tremendous job to place these vital infrastructure projects into service with excellent safety records during construction. Bear Den II and the associated infrastructure further contribute to Crestwood’s ESG Sustainability initiatives and highlight
our commitments to both North Dakota and the MHA Nation by achieving higher gas capture percentages across the Arrow system and reducing emissions on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation and in the
state of North Dakota. Crestwood’s Bakken team, which includes our Arrow, COLT and MS&L assets and operations, continues to focus on providing its customers with timely well connects,  ow assurance, connectivity to premium downstream markets and higher net-backs while meeting the new operating standards established by our ESG Sustainability programme.”
BESIX Canada to build an
LNG terminal in British
BESIX Canada and its JV partner Vancouver Pile Driving will build an LNG export
facility in British Columbia, Canada.  e project is the second major marine project BESIX Canada carries out in the country.
 e contract was awarded by the JGC-Fluor BC LNG Joint Venture. Works include the construction of a quay wall, an LNG platform, multiple dolphins and onshore infrastructure.
BESIX Canada and its joint venture partner Vancouver Pile Driving will build an LNG export facility in British Columbia, Canada.  e project is the second major marine project BESIX Canada carries out in the country.
 e LNG Berth Marine Structure contract was awarded by the JGC-Fluor BC LNG Joint
Venture. Works include, i.a., the construction of a quay wall, an LNG platform, multiple dolphins and onshore infrastructure such as roadways and foundations for buildings.
Construction is set to start in 2019 and will be completed in 2021.
Fabian Boucher, BESIX Canada
General Manager: “ e LNG Berth Marine Structure is the second marine project that BESIX carries out in Canada, once again
in cooperation with our local partner and thanks to the proposed innovative design
of the BESIX Engineering Department. We are convinced that JGC-Fluor has made the best possible choice with our JV to meet the speci c challenges of this project that we jointly commit to become the “Safest Project on Earth”. BESIX has an in-depth expertise in marine works. On each of its sites, BESIX pursues excellence in terms of quality and safety and in reducing its environmental footprint.”
BESIX, August 8, 2019
Canada welcomes
anticipated construction of
one of the world’s cleanest
LNG facilities
In a world increasingly seeking clean, a ordable and reliable energy sources, Canada is positioned to become a supplier of choice – creating good, well-paying jobs for Canadian workers in the process.
Today, Finance Minister Bill Morneau welcomed Wood bre LNG’s announcement that it has placed an order for a cryogenic
heat exchanger – a critical next step in the construction of its lique ed natural gas (LNG) project near Squamish, British Columbia.
 e company’s  nal investment decision, which will allow construction to proceed,
is expected before the end of the summer.  is project will create more than 650 jobs during construction, with more than a 100
of those jobs continuing once the project is operational. It will also provide signi cant economic opportunities for local Indigenous communities and contribute to the area’s long- term economic growth.
In keeping with previous public statements that trade barriers would not be permitted
to stand in the way of these historic private sector investments, the Government is providing relief from duties on fabricated steel contained in modules for the Wood bre LNG project as well as the previously announced LNG Canada project, which is the single largest private sector investment in Canadian
Week 32 15•August•2019
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