Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 26 2022
P. 14

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Implemented more than 60 social projects that  drilling of the deeper appraisal prospect would   Construction is underway on the 63-foot
       have benefited over 25,000 community mem-  add more highly attractive prospects to the hop-  above ground pipeline to the Central block
       bers across 13 municipalities.      per, giving greater line of sight on the Company’s  tie-in point, which is the final requirement of
         The Corporation executed the second phase  ability to deliver on its stated ambition to double  the project.
       of its gas massification project, which aims to  production by 2024.       Upon completion of the tie-in, commission-
       reduce energy poverty and serve societal needs   While the Company has a firm timetable  ing and handover of the pipeline, Coho natural
       by constructing a local utility gas distribution  in place, inclement weather conditions could  gas production will commence with the expecta-
       network to replace firewood with a cleaner and  have an impact on workflow. Noting the current  tion that production will increase over time to 10
       more efficient fuel, benefitting hundreds of addi-  orange-level tropical storm warning in Trinidad,  mcf per day (1,667 boepd) gross, 8 mcf per day
       tional households.                  management will move to ensure the health and  (1,333 boepd) net.
         All social investment projects were aligned  safety of its workforce and contractors - and   Coho will be the first onshore natural gas pro-
       with National Development Plans and 11 pro-  if necessary may opt to briefly pause drilling  ject to come onstream in 20 years, representing
       jects included a gender focus.      operations.                          an important milestone for both Touchstone and
       Canacol Energy, June 28 2022           Jeremy Bridglalsingh, CEO, commented:  the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
                                           “We are delighted to have recommenced our   Based on the current contractor schedule and
                                           drilling activities. We have a significantly  expected pipeline commissioning and hando-
       PROJECTS & COMPANIES                improved our understanding of our acreage  ver process, we are targeting full production in
                                           through the 3D data acquired, underpinning  August 2022.
       Trinity Exploration starts          our confidence in the current programme while   Cascadura: Workstreams across the Casca-
                                           also positioning the Company to take advantage  dura area are progressing with several important
       drilling operations for first       of future opportunities. We have set ambitious  deliveries, including the separators and vapour
                                           drilling targets as we focus on a step change in  recovery units, scheduled to arrive in Trinidad
       well of its 2022 six-well           production, which could be further augmented  in the coming weeks.
                                           by potential developments at our Trintes, Gale-
                                                                                  Surveying of the lease expansion, pipelines,
       programme                           ota and Brighton assets.”            roads, and future drilling locations has com-
                                                                                menced, along with the treatment of drilling pits
                                           Trinity Exploration & Production, June 29 2022
       Trinity Exploration & Production, the inde-                              for reclamation.
       pendent E&P company focused on Trinidad and   Touchstone Exploration       Three major construction contracts for the
       Tobago, has announced that drilling operations                           Cascadura facility have been procured to date
       have commenced for the first well of its 2022 six-  provides operational update   with local contractors and are consistent with
       well programme.                                                          our pre-design budget.
         As previously outlined, the fully-funded   for Ortoire block             We continue to wait for the approval of the
       drilling programme, which includes con-                                  Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA),
       ventional infill wells, a horizontal well and a  Touchstone Exploration has provided an update  with all the relevant reports and information
       deeper appraisal well, is targeting an aggregate  on the operational progress across the Ortoire  submitted for regulatory review. Following the
       450mn-1.1bn barrels of reserves at a cost of  block, onshore Trinidad. Touchstone has an 80%  anticipated approval and submission of the
       $14-17mn. These are significantly higher vol-  operating working interest in Ortoire block, with  required notice periods, we intend to proceed
       umes per dollar of capital invested, that in a suc-  Heritage Petroleum holding the remaining 20%  with construction of the surface facility, access
       cess case, would generate materially increased  working interest.        roads, liquids pipeline and future development
       cash returns compared with previous drilling   Coho: The pipeline from our Coho facility  drilling locations. The onstream date of the Cas-
       programmes.                         to the Central block has been completed, and  cadura facility will be determined by the timing
         Management believes that the potential  hydrotesting is scheduled to commence this  of receipt of the EIA approval.
       returns from the proposed horizontal and  week upon which the pipeline will be ready for   Initial gross aggregate natural gas and asso-
       deeper appraisal wells could underpin a mate-  first gas.                ciated liquids production from our Cascadu-
       rial increase in production rates and potentially   The surface facility is 98% complete with all  ra-1ST1 and Cascadura Deep-1 wells has been
       unlock previously untapped deeper pools of  infrastructure in place, including instrumenta-  budgeted at 11,500 boepd (9,200 boepd net), and
       hydrocarbons. If successful, the horizontal well  tion, tanks and the communication tower, which  the Cascadura natural gas processing facility has
       could yield production rates and returns circa 3x  will enable the transmission of gas meter data to  been designed for a maximum gross capacity of
       those achievable from conventional infill wells,  our offices in Calgary and Trinidad.  approximately 200 mcf per day of natural gas and
       with the wider programme also benefiting from                            5,000 bpd of associated liquids (38,333 boepd).
       the mapping and integration of the 3D seismic                              Drilling: The Royston surface equipment has
       acquired in 2020, enabling a more targeted and                           been repositioned to accommodate the future
       de-risked approach to the Company’s drilling                             sidetrack of Royston-1 to test the intermediate
       activities.                                                              and subthrust sheets of the Herrera Formation.
         Overall, management is confident the Com-                                Upon approval of the Cascadura EIA, an
       pany can support a multi-year onshore drilling                           additional drilling pad at Cascadura will be con-
       programme from the prospects and leads iden-                             structed to accommodate the first two future
       tified from the evaluation of the 3D seismic. The                        budgeted development wells.
       3D seismic interpretation has, to date, identified                         The timing of our future Ortoire drilling pro-
       a “hopper” of circa 40 infill opportunities, which                       gram will be evaluated once Coho is on optimal
       includes circa 35 conventional wells and circa                           production and we have received approval of the
       5 high angle/horizontal wells. The successful                            Cascadura EIA.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 26   30•June•2022
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