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MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       platforms with three or four-legged jackets   of oils and bypass US sanctions.  pipeline network after the sale, according to
       supporting conductors, risers and associated   While a June report by Chinese customs   the people.
       topsides facilities.                says that no Iranian oil was imported that   Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab
         Occidental floated two earlier tenders in   month, a source told Radio Farda that the oil   Emirates, has been opening up its energy
       2017 for the fifth phase of ISND, involving   was delivered as Indonesian oil.  industry as it tries to generate additional
       subsea and platform packages that were later   A recent congressional report estimated   sources of funding. The pipeline deals will
       cancelled.                          that Iranian oil exports had dropped 90%   bring in cash at a time when the emirate is
         The Idd El-Shargi field was discovered in   since 2018, falling from 2.5 million barrels   grappling with this year’s plunge in crude
       1960 and lies 85 kilometres off the east coast   a day to 227,000 barrels a day, according to   prices.
       of Doha.                            NBC News. TankerTrackers findings show   The June deal saw Adnoc sell a stake worth
         It is one of Qatar’s largest offshore oilfields   that exports have instead fallen by about 76%.  more than $10 billion in its gas pipelines to
       and consists of the larger North Dome and the   The Islamic Republic’s crude production   a group of six investors including Global
       smaller South Dome.                 has halved to around 2 million barrels per   Infrastructure Partners, Brookfield Asset
       UPSTREAM                            day (bpd), but Iran has stated that it intends   Management Inc. and Singapore’s sovereign
                                           to continue to develop its oil industry despite   wealth fund. The 38 pipelines involved in the
       Iran exporting over twice as        sanctions.                           deal span almost 1,000 km (621 miles).
                                                                                  Adnoc has over the last four years begun
                                           JERUSALEM POST
       much oil as US estimated                                                 restructuring some businesses, selling shares
                                                                                in a retail unit and adding new international
       Despite harsh US sanctions, Iran is continuing  GAS                      partners.
       to export over 600,000 barrels a day, over                                 “Since embarking on our co-investment
       twice as much oil as a recent Congressional   Abu Dhabi seeks local      and partnership strategy, Adnoc continues
       report estimated, according to NBC News.                                 to attract world-class partners and leading
         The NBC report, based on data from   investors for $21bn pipeline      institutional investors,” the company said in, a company that tracks                                an emailed statement Tuesday. “The recent gas
       oil exports, brought up the case of the Indian   Abu Dhabi is considering bringing local   pipeline infrastructure transaction offered an
       tanker Gissel. The tanker left Pakistan in April   investors into its natural-gas pipeline network,   attractive and stable investment proposition
       and seemed to begin a standard journey up   according to people familiar with the matter,   that continues to garner significant
       the Persian Gulf. Tracking data then showed   just months after raising cash from foreign   interest from the business and investment
       the ship making a U-turn near the Straits of   funds.                    community.”
       Hormuz and coming to a stop in the Gulf of   State-owned Abu Dhabi National Oil   Adnoc has also brought international
       Oman.                               Co. is discussing moving its 51% holding in   investors into its refining and oil-field
         However, satellite images showed that   the pipelines into a special-purpose vehicle,   servicing arms. KKR & Co. and BlackRock
       the ship was not at the marked location.   according to the people. It would then sell   Inc. last year agreed to invest $4 billion in
       TankerTrackers used satellite imagery to find   about 20% of the vehicle to one or more local   Adnoc’s oil pipelines and were later followed
       Gissel off the coast of Lavan Island, over 100   funds, giving them an indirect interest in the   by Singapore’s GIC Pte.
       miles away from the marked location.  underlying assets, the people said, asking not   Saudi Aramco has also asked advisers
         While off the coast of Lavan Island, the   to be identified because the information is   to study a sale of part of its pipeline unit,
       Gissel met up with an Iranian oil tanker,   private.                     Bloomberg News reported in March. That’s
       which transferred an estimated one million   The company plans to do any deal at the   after the state oil producer completed an
       barrels of crude oil to the Gissel. The Gissel   same valuation as a transaction in June, when   initial public offering on the local stock
       continued on to deliver the oil to China.  it sold a stake in the pipelines to international   exchange last year.
         TankerTrackers has found that similar   investors, valuing the asset at nearly $21   BLOOMBERG
       maneuvers have been used by Iran many   billion including debt, the people said. Adnoc
       times to transfer and export millions of barrels  would retain operational control of the

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