Page 12 - MEOG Week 42 2022
P. 12

MEOG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       the first half of the year was 110 million cubic   prices could be set at the hub, away from   Performance, High Value strategy and
       meters of gas per day.”             political overtones.                 the outstanding service we have delivered
         He announced the amount of gas liquids   But French President Emmanuel Macron   to customers in the Middle East region.
       production of South Zagros in this period at   has responded that the proposal “makes no   Furthermore, the recent contract awards allow
       5.6 million barrels, and added: “The total oil   sense”, given that Europe is aiming to be   us to leverage our scale in the region and
       production of this company was 1.7 million   independent from Russian gas.  generate steady, reliable cash flow, creating
       barrels in the first half of this [calendar] year.”  Europe has come to regard Russia as an   value for our shareholders and fulfilling
         The CEO of the South Zagros Oil and Gas   unreliable energy partner. That unreliability,   one of Precision’s 2022 strategic priorities
       Production Company said: “This amount   says Brussels, has been demonstrated by   to maximize our operational leverage. I
       of production was done while the accident   Moscow’s actions in squeezing gas supplies to   would like to congratulate our team for
       index (recurrence factor in the severity of the   EU member states in the wake of the West’s   securing these contracts and look forward to
       incident), fire and environmental crimes in   sanctions response to the Russian invasion of   continuing the excellent service our customers
       South Zagros are zero.”             Ukraine that started on February 24.  can expect from Precision,” commented Kevin
       SHANA                               BNE                                  Neveu, Precision’s President and CEO.
                                                                                Aramco establishing two
       GAS                                 SERVICES
       US, France reject plan to           Precision Drilling                   offshore fabrication yards
       turn Turkey into Russian            announces Kuwait contract            The Saudi Arabian Oil Company (“Aramco”
                                                                                or “the Company”), in collaboration with
       gas hub                             awards                               international partners, is establishing
                                                                                two offshore fabrication yards that aim to
       The US and France have rejected the idea that   Precision Drilling Corporation is pleased to   deliver a more than 200 percent increase
       Turkey could be turned into a hub for Russian   announce that it was recently awarded four   in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s offshore
       gas flows into the European Union.  contracts in Kuwait, each with a five year   fabrication capacity.
         The proposal was made by Russian   term and an optional one year renewal. The   The new yards are being constructed in
       President Vladimir Putin. Turkish President   contract awards are for our AC Super Triple   Ras Al Khair in collaboration with National
       Recep Tayyip Erdogan responded positively.   3000 HP rigs and increase our active rig count   Petroleum Construction Company (NPCC)
       Turkey would work with the Kremlin to create   in Kuwait from three rigs to five rigs by the   and McDermott International. They are
       the hub, Erdogan said on October 14, telling   middle of 2023.           expected to fabricate and assemble offshore
       his officials to quickly deliver implementation   In addition, we recently signed our third   platforms, jackets and structures for subsea
       plans.                              drilling rig in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia   pipelines.
         US State Department spokesperson Vedant   to a five year contract extension, following   Designed to international standards
       Patel pointed out on October 19: “We have   two earlier five year contract signings in the   and harnessing latest technologies, they are
       continued to urge our allies to take steps   second quarter of this year. With the three   intended to serve the Kingdom, GCC and
       to diversify their energy sources, to reduce   contract extensions in Saudi Arabia and   broader markets. Establishing the yards at Ras
       energy reliance on Russia. And in the case of   the Kuwait contract awards, Precision will   Al Khair also aims to support localization of
       Turkey, we are working with them closely to   have eight rigs under long-term contracts   the maritime industry, and supplement the
       assist in their own efforts to enhance energy   in the Middle East stretching into 2028 and   nearby King Salman International Complex
       security in the long term.”         representing approximately US$600 million   for Maritime Industries and Services.
         Putin, presenting the idea at a meeting   (approximately C$820 million) in backlog   Start-up of the facilities is planned for
       last week with Erdogan on the sidelines of an   revenue.                 the third quarter of 2023, with the initial
       intergovernmental summit in Kazakhstan,   “Precision’s success in earning these   combined production capacity estimated at
       said Turkey would be “the most reliable route   contract awards is a result of our team’s   roughly 70,000 metric tons (MT) per year,
       for Russian gas to Europe”. He added that   dedication and commitment to our High   increasing the Kingdom’s total offshore

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 42   19•October•2022
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