Page 4 - FSUOGM Week 47
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FSUOGM                                        COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

       Rosneft brings on board first

       foreign partner at Vostok Oil

       Rosneft is set to pass a 10% stake to long-time trading partner Trafigura

        RUSSIA           RUSSIAN state oil company Rosneft looks  important more for getting the process started,”
                         finally set to succeed in attracting a foreign  they said.
       WHAT:             partner to its flagship Vostok Oil project in the   Total investment over the project’s lifespan is
       Rosneft's board of   Arctic, which it says will one day yield over 2mn  expected to be RUB8.5 trillion ($100bn), “so the
       directors has approved   barrels per day (bpd) of oil.  desire to attract capital and expertise for risk-di-
       the transfer of a 10%   Rosneft said last week that its board of  versification purposes is understandable,” BCS
       share in Vostok Oil to   directors had agreed on the sale of a 10% stake  GM said.
       Trafigura.        in its Vostok Oil LLC subsidiary to Trafigura   Rosneft and Trafigura are already close part-
                         for an undisclosed sum. According to Kom-  ners, with the former relying on the latter to
       WHY:              mersant, the subsidiary currently owns only  export the bulk of its sea-bound oil exports. They
       Rosneft needs foreign   the little-explored West-Irkinsky block in the  are also part of Nayara Energy, a joint venture
       partners to bring their   remote north of Russia’s Krasnoyarsk region.  that owns India’s second-largest refinery in Vad-
       expertise and investment   However, the Vostok Oil project is anticipated  inar, with a throughput capacity of over 400,000
       to the ambitious project.  to include a cluster of other fields and acreage  bpd. The plant could be a potential recipient for
                         in the vicinity, enabling Rosneft to establish  Vostok Oil’s crude.
       WHAT NEXT:        its first major hub for Arctic oil and LNG   Rosneft has said before that the project will
       Bringing on board an   production.                     primarily serve Asia-Pacific markets, helping
       established name like   The pair are “at the advanced stage of negoti-  to explain why it has reportedly tried to attract
       Trafigura should help   ations” on closing the transaction, Trafigura was  Indian and Japanese companies in the past as
       Rosneft attract other   quoted as saying by Kommersant.  investors. Indian firms ONGC, Oil India and
       international partners.  Vostok Oil is set to combine the fields in Ros-  Indian Oil Corp already hold a 49.9% position
                         neft’s Vankor cluster – Vankorskoye, Lodoch-  at Vankor.
                         noye, Suzunskoye and Tagulskoye – with the   By bringing on board a respectable interna-
                         Paiyakha fields held by Neftegazholding, a pri-  tional name like Trafigura, Rosneft should find
                         vate oil firm owned by former Rosneft presi-  it easier to find other investors.
                         dent Eduard Khudainatov. Other Rosneft assets   The 10% sale could be worth around $7bn,
                         including West-Irkinsky and potentially the Bai-  Vedomosti reports, citing a source familiar with
                         kalovskoye field it operates with BP will also be  the deal. As an investor, Trafigura could go so far
                         brought into the fold.               as to provide loans for the project, although the
                           Production is expected to reach 25mn tonnes  trader is saddled with $30.8bn and is looking to
                         per year (500,000 bpd) by 2024, rising to 1mn  deleverage itself.
                         bpd by 2027 and 2.3mn bpd by 2030, and Ros-  There is still a lot of uncertainty about
                         neft has also suggested that up to 50mn tpy of  Vostok Oil’s prospects, primarily given the lack
                         LNG could also be developed from the fields’  of understanding of its reserves. Save for the
                         gas. These supplies will be delivered to markets  Vankor fields, most of its assets are still at an early
                         on tankers via Russia’s Northern Sea Route.  stage of appraisal.
                           Rosneft estimates Vostok Oil’s liquids   Furthermore, the fields are situated in a very
                         resource base at 6bn barrels of oil equivalent  remote area with difficult climatic conditions,
                         (boe), although its fields have not been inde-  requiring significant infrastructure costs. This
                         pendently appraised, creating doubts about the  could dissuade investors, in light of current low
                         company's lofty targets for future output.  oil prices. The long-term outlook for oil demand
                                                              is also bearish, as a result of global efforts towards
                         Project 'a go'                       decarbonisation.
                         Analysts at BCS Global Markets (GM) com-  On the other hand, Vostok Oil is set to enjoy
                         mented that the deal was good for Rosneft’s stock  strong support from the Russian government,
                         “more for signalling that the ambitious project is  which is eager to ensure Russia retains its domi-
                         ‘a go’ than for the size of the investment, which  nant position in oil markets after OPEC cuts are
                         itself has yet to be fully determined.”  eased. This was shown already when the govern-
                           “Attracting a significant amount of foreign  ment recently granted tax breaks at the Vankor
                         investment to the Vostok Oil project has been  field, which should cross-subsidise development
                         a Rosneft goal from day one, and this deal is  of Vostok Oil’s other assets. ™

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 47   25•November•2020
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