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     construction industry. Corrupt clans are trying to dismiss honest state building officials and threatening them, she said. Babak indicated she made formidable enemies very early by blocking Kyiv construction projects that were determined to be in violation of norms and regulations.
 2.3 ​Polls & Sociology
       Around 40% of Ukrainians (who will participate in the elections and will definitely vote) are ready to support the incumbent President Volodymyr Zelenskiy​, if the presidential election took place in the near future, according to a survey conducted by the sociological service of the Razumkov Center on February 13-17. Actor-turned-president Zelenskiy remains the most popular Ukrainian politician, however, his rating hit the all-time low in early 2020. Around 15% of Ukrainians would vote for the leader of the Opposition Platform - For Life party Yuriy Boiko, 13.5% would vote for the leader of the European Solidarity party, ex-President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, and 10% ˗ for the leader of the Batkivschyna (Fatherland) party Yulia Tymoshenko, news agency Interfax reported on February 24. In the parliamentary elections in the near future, 36% of those who said that they would take part in the elections and made their choice would support the Servant of the People party, 15% - the Opposition Platform - For Life, 13% - the European Solidarity, 10% - Batkivschyna ˗ 10%, and 5% - the Strength and Honour party.
Polling results released by Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) on Feb. 27 show support for government efforts on key issues continues to drop sharply​. KIIS polls conducted from Feb. 21-25 reveal that increasing numbers of Ukrainians are dismissive of the government's attempts to clean up corruption and affect change in Donbas. Specifically, 70% of Ukrainians now see a failure to make progress regarding the loss of control over parts of Donbas, as opposed to 50% in December. Also, 83% of respondents believe that the fight against corruption at the highest levels is unsuccessful, compared to 76% in December. The margin of error in the results is less than 3%.
Ukrainians heavily oppose the creation of a market for farm land,
according to a poll by Kyiv International Institute of Sociology. 62% of respondents say they would vote against the creation of a land market, while just 15% said they would support it. The current bill in the Rada would limit sales to Ukrainians, with a maximum holding set at 10,000 hectares. A national referendum would be needed to approve sales to foreigners.
Almost five months into the new parliament’s run, the “Servant of the People” party of Volodymyr Zelenskiy is still largely dominant, ​with 45,4% of respondents ready to vote for the party in a parliamentary election, according to Foundation (DIF) and the Razumkov Center. Distant second is the “Opposition Platform - For Life” (13,8%), then the “European Solidarity” party of Petro Poroshenko (12,3%), and Batkivshchyna (8%). Comparing with the results of the 2019 elections, Servant of the People is actually doing better (it scored 43.16% last year), as is European Solidarity (8,10% back then). The biggest loser is the Golos party of Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, which went from an already disappointing 5.82% last year to 2.5% in this poll. Rumors have been flying around in the last few days about Vakarchuk leaving politics once again.
Ukrainian President Volodumyr Zelensky is the only Ukrainian politician who is trusted more than distrusted by the public​, according to the latest poll released by the Rating Sociological Group. Eight months after being elected, Zelensky enjoys 59% of the public’s trust (compared to 67% in December). About 32% don’t trust Zelensky, compared to 25% in December.
 10​ UKRAINE Country Report​ March 2020 ​ ​

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