Page 14 - GLNG Week 50 2021
P. 14

GLNG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              GLNG

       related to the trading of LNG adds further to   from its partner the Korean shipyard Samsung   LNGCs with long term employment in place.
       those commitments.                  Heavy Industries (SHI) for the tank design of   We believe that this transaction is highly
         Societe Generale said: “We are proud   two new LNGCs.                  transformative for the partnership across all
       to accompany Gunvor in this landmark   As part of this order, GTT will design the   metrics and positions us firmly in the LNG
       transaction. This new LNG borrowing base   tanks of the vessels, which will each offer a   market. The LNG market is supported by
       embodies Gunvor’s long-term strategic move   capacity of 174,000 cubic metres. The LNGC   positive long-term fundamentals, as both
       to support transitional commodities that   tanks will be fitted with the GTT Mark III   natural gas and LNG are expected to play a
       enable the energy transition to a low carbon   Flex membrane containment system.  key role in the energy transition to net zero
       future.”                               Deliveries of the vessels will take place   and as such, we are excited to be growing in
       GUNVOR GROUP, December 16, 2021     between late 2024 and early 2025.    this segment at an opportune moment.”
                                           GTT, December 14, 2021               CAPITAL PRODUCT PARTNERS, December 16,
       GTT obtains tank design             Capital Product Partners             2021

       order for four new LNG              announces the delivery of            Novatek signed co-
       carriers from Daewoo                the M/V ‘Adonis’ to its new          operation agreement with

       Shipbuilding & Marine               owners and completion of             Voronezh Region

       Engineering                                                              Leonid Mikhelson, chairman of the
                                                                                management board of Novatek, and Voronezh
       GTT announces that it has received an order   the six LNG Carriers (LNGC)   Region Governor Alexander Gusev today
       from its partner the Korean shipyard Daewoo   acquisition programme      signed a co-operation development agreement
       Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME)                                 to increase the participation of companies
       for the tank design of four new LNGCs.  Capital Product Partners today announced   from the region in Novatek’s projects. The
         As part of this order, GTT will provide the   that the M/V ‘Adonis’ (115,145 dwt / 9,288   agreement envisages broader involvement
       design and associated engineering services   TEU, Eco-Flex, wide beam containership built   of companies from Voronezh Region in
       for the tanks of the vessels, which will each   2015, Daewoo-Mangalia Heavy Industries)   engineering and supply of equipment for
       offer a capacity of 174,000 cubic metres. The   was delivered to its new owners on December   Novatek’s LNG projects.
       LNGCs will be fitted with the GTT NO96 L03   13, 2021, generating gross proceeds from the   “Manufacturers from Voronezh Region
       membrane containment system, a technology   sale of approximately $49.3mn after repaying   have successfully contributed to many of
       developed by GTT.                   outstanding debt.                    the company’s major projects located within
         The vessels will be delivered in 2024 and   In addition, the partnership took delivery   the reach of the Unified Gas Supply System,
       2025.                               of the ‘Aristidis I’ (174,000 CBM, latest   with their equipment and materials,” noted
       GTT, December 16, 2021              generation X-DF LNG carrier built 2021,   Leonid Mikhelson, chairman of Novatek’s
                                           Hyundai Heavy Industries), the last vessel of   management board. “They have a big
       GTT entrusted by Samsung            the six LNGCs acquisition program previously  potential, and this agreement will enable
                                           announced. The acquisition was financed with
                                                                                enhancing their involvement in our LNG
       Heavy Industries with the           $82.0mn cash at hand and the assumption of   projects. Co-operation under our ongoing
                                                                                and future projects will start at early stages,
                                           $123.0mn of debt.
       tank design for two new             officer of our general partner, commented:   including R&D activities, to promote larger
                                              Mr. Jerry Kalogiratos, chief executive
                                                                                import substitution in high-tech LNG
       LNG carriers                        “We are very pleased to have completed   equipment as well as to foster the region’s
                                           this substantial investment, amounting to
                                                                                economic development.”
       GTT announces that it has received an order   more than $1.2bn, in six latest generation   NOVATEK, December 16, 2021

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 50   17•December•2021
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