Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 01 2023
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                accretive to earnings and cash flow in 2023.
                                                                                  With these transactions, ProFrac has
                                                                                expanded its geographic footprint to include
                                                                                the Rockies and Bakken, and increased
                                                                                its pressure pumping and manufacturing
                                                                                presence in the Northeast. By the end of
                                                                                January, ProFrac expects to have 45 active
                                                                                fleets, with an additional four electric fleets
                                                                                under construction that the company expects
                                                                                to deploy in the first half of 2023.
                                                                                PROFRAC HOLDING, January 03, 2023


                                                                                Newpark Resources
       Dakota, Texas, New Mexico and Oklahoma.  ProFrac Holding completes
         John Eric Turner, President of ProChem,                                announces completion of
       said, “My father (John Turner) and I, as major   acquisition of REV Energy
       shareholders, could not be happier with the                              Gulf of Mexico transactions
       partnership with Creedence. It has been a   Holdings and Producers
       great fit for the ProChem team. Together, we                             Newpark Resources today announced it
       have seen tremendous growth, and we are   Services Holdings, adding      has completed the previously announced
       excited to take this next step towards further                           transactions, which effectively provide for
       unifying our organisation. I am certain   six frack fleets               the company’s exit from the Gulf of Mexico
       this initiative will help us better serve our                            market. The two completed transactions
       customers, align our team members, and   ProFrac Holding today reported that it   include the sale of substantially all assets
       make us a better company.”          has closed on its previously announced   associated with the Gulf of Mexico
         To further support this successful   acquisition of REV Energy Holdings, a   completions fluids operations, as well as
       partnership and to better communicate the   privately owned pressure pumping service   a separate transaction, through which the
       company’s collective scale, scope, and reach,   provider with operations in the Rockies   company has entered a seven-year sublease of
       ProChem recently updated its legal name to   and Eagle Ford. ProFrac acquired REV for   the company’s Fourchon, Louisiana drilling
       Creedence, Inc. As a result, the consolidated   $140mn, consisting of $70mn in ProFrac   fluids shorebase and blending facility with a
       company will be unifying its branding under   Class B common shares, approximately   leading global energy services provider. Both
       Creedence Energy Services across all locations   $39mn in seller-provided financing, and   of these transactions include the assignment
       and operations.                     the balance with cash on hand and debt   or sublease of the underlying properties
         “This is a major milestone for Creedence,”   assumption of approximately $5.5mn. The   that remain subject to the final approval
       said Dave Parkin, Partner at Tower Arch   purchase agreement also provides for up to   of the local port authority. As a result of
       Capital. “Since the combination of Creedence   $20mn of earn-out payments in the event   these transactions, the company received
       and ProChem in 2021, the company has   REV achieves EBITDA of approximately   approximately $6mn of cash from the sale
       continued to innovate and deliver industry   $90mn in 2023. REV operates three premium   of the completions fluids assets in the fourth
       leading service to its customers. This brand   frac fleets totaling 204,500 hydraulic   quarter of 2022 and expects to generate
       unification will intensify the value of our   horsepower that offer significant opportunity   additional cash of nearly $25mn over the next
       service and technology offerings across the US  for upgrades through the additions of DGB   few quarters, primarily associated with the
       while eliminating any confusion around the   engines and engine idle reduction systems.  ongoing wind-down of working capital.  The
       Creedence and ProChem partnership.”    ProFrac also closed the acquisition of   company also announced that it repurchased
         “The consolidated Creedence Energy   Producers Services Holdings, an employee-  4.4mn shares (4.7% of outstanding shares)
       Services brand will help us represent a more   owned pressure pumping services provider   of its common stock under its existing share
       unified organisation for our customers,   serving Appalachia and the Mid-Continent.   repurchase program, using total cash of
       suppliers, and partners,” added Kevin Black,   Under the terms of the agreement, ProFrac   $17.6mn during the fourth quarter of 2022.
       CEO of Creedence. “While the company has   has acquired Producers for approximately   Matthew Lanigan, Newpark’s president
       grown rapidly, its commitment to service,   $35mn of total transaction value, of   and chief executive officer, stated: “With
       safety, and technical excellence has not   which approximately half was paid in   the completion of the Gulf of Mexico
       changed. The collective entrepreneurial spirit   ProFrac Class A common shares. Through   transactions, we have accomplished all four
       that has distinguished us since our founding,   this transaction, ProFrac will add three   of our previously-discussed divestitures.
       combined with an impeccable safety record,   fleets, of which two are currently active,   Including the wind-down of working
       will continue to lead us forward through our   totaling 200,000 HHP as well as a 50,000   capital, the four divestitures should generate
       next phase of growth.”              square foot manufacturing facility located   more than $100mn in cash. This includes
       CREEDENCE ENERGY SERVICES, January 05,   near Zanesville, OH, through which the   approximately $80mn in cash received in
       2023                                company plans to expand its manufacturing   the fourth quarter, enabling us to reduce our
                                           footprint to support Northeast operations.   debt levels and return value to shareholders
                                           The company expects the transaction to be   through meaningful share repurchases.”

       Week 01   05•January•2023                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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