Page 4 - GLNG Week 03 2022
P. 4

GLNG                                          COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

       China reportedly seeks to

       resell LNG amid gas crunch

      Two of China’s state-owned energy giants have reportedly offered to

      sell a number of LNG spot cargoes in a move that has surprised the

      market and could help ease pressure on Europe

        PERFORMANCE      THE global natural gas crunch is giving rise  Up for resale
                         to some unusual developments. According to  The reported resales come after China spent
       WHAT:             reports by Bloomberg this week, China – which  much of the past year buying up spot LNG sup-
       CNOOC and Sinopec are   recently became the world’s largest importer of  plies and restocking inventories in preparation
       reported to be offering to   LNG – is reselling some of its supply in a move  for this winter. Those efforts, in turn, had been
       resell LNG cargoes on the   that has surprised the market.  spurred by the spike in gas demand in North
       spot market.        The cargoes, which would be sold over the  Asia over the winter of 2020-21, which sent LNG
                         course of the year, could help alleviate some  spot prices to then-record highs. The spike had
       WHY:              of the pressure on Europe, which continues to  been exacerbated by supply bottlenecks such as
       The moves indicate that   struggle with low pipeline deliveries and inven-  congestion in the Panama Canal, which is used
       China is well-stocked   tories but has already seen an uptick in LNG  by LNG carriers to reach Asia from the US.
       with natural gas and the   deliveries this month.       China was keen to avoid a repeat of that situ-
       companies see resales as   According to traders cited by Bloomberg, the  ation this winter, which led to additional LNG
       a profitable option.  resales could also suggest that there are concerns  purchases over the course of 2021, and indeed
                         in China about a looming dip in demand, simi-  allowed it to overtake Japan to become the
       WHAT NEXT:        lar to what was seen in 2020 following the emer-  world’s leading LNG importer. Now, though, the
       Additional LNG from   gence of the coronavirus (COVID-19). This is  country seems secure enough in its gas supply
       China could help ease   backed up by consultancy Rystad Energy, which  – and even potentially concerned about over-
       the pressure on Europe,   cited “tepid demand in Asia” in its weekly gas  supply. As a result, two of the leading Chinese
       where demand remains   and LNG market note on January 19 and said  state-owned oil and gas companies released ten-
       high.             short-term gas demand was likely to be muted  ders this week for dozens of cargoes for delivery
                         in China owing to curbs following the latest  by November.
                         COVID-19 surge in the country.        The traders cited by Bloomberg said that

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