Page 10 - DMEA Week 48 2021
P. 10

DMEA                                            REFINING                                               DMEA

       Fire breaks out at Skikda refinery

        AFRICA           A fire broke out during maintenance at Algeria’s  impact on the programme to supply the national
                         largest refinery this week, injuring eight work-  market with petroleum products, which remains
                         ers, one of whom later died from his injuries.  guaranteed”.
                         The fire, which started at an idled reforming unit   Arkab led a delegation along with the presi-
                         which had already been shut down for repairs,  dents of Sonatrach and the Hydrocarbons Regu-
                         was quickly extinguished, according to a state-  latory Authority and local officials to investigate
                         ment from the Ministry of Energy and Mines.  the causes of the outbreak.
                           State media outlet APS quoted the ministry’s   Skikda, which has a capacity of 330,000 bar-
                         head, Mohamed Arkab, who said that the fire  rels per day (bpd), is located around 500 km east
                         was a “painful incident”, adding that Sonatrach  of the capital Algiers and is the country’s largest
                         had taken “all preventive measures in order to  refinery.
                         quickly control and contain the fire”.  Sonatrach’s nearby Skikda LNG facility was
                           In a statement published on its website, the  forced to shut down in early June following the
                         state oil firm said: “This incident was caused by  identification of a technical fault. The 4mn tonne
                         the occurrence of an incandescent flame at an  per year (tpy) remained offline until July 30
                         exchanger flange during a scheduled routine  while it carried out maintenance. Sonatrach said
                         maintenance operation, while the Reforming I  that “the issue was caused by a sudden failure
                         unit was stopped and inert. This fire was imme-  of a gas turbine control mechanism”. The plant
                         diately brought under control by the interven-  had undergone extensive maintenance during
                         tion agents.”                        the first half of 2020, during which an incident
                           Both Arkab and Sonatrach said that the fire  caused damage to a turbine.
                         had not affected production from other units,   The company operates a total liquefaction
                         with Sonatrach noting that “operations are  slate of 24.7mn tpy across four facilities, three of
                         proceeding normally and also [the fire] has no  which are located at Arzew.™

       Kenya dismisses LAPSSET

       land acquisition rumours

        AFRICA           KENYA’S  government  is  seeking  to  deny  the first week of December. The first steps in the
                         rumours that it has already begun the process  process will see NLC, the Ministry of Petroleum
                         of land acquisition in Turkana County for the  and Mining, the Ministry of Lands and other rel-
                         Lokichar-Lamu Crude Oil Pipeline (LLCOP)  evant state agencies sending technical teams to
                         project, a component of the Lamu Port-South  inspect and survey the proposed pipeline route,
                         Sudan Ethiopia Transport Corridor (LAPSSET)  Long’ole noted.
                         initiative.                            He also stressed that Nairobi is committed
                           James Long’ole, the National Land Commis-  to offering fair compensation to everyone who
                         sion (NLC) co-ordinator for Turkana, took note  will be affected or displaced by the LLCOP
                         last week of reports that government officials had  project. “The survey team will identify the pro-
                         already identified 516 landowners who would be  ject-affected persons and the improvement on
                         affected by LLCOP. These reports are incorrect,  the land. Compensation will be directly paid to
                         and the number 516 refers to something else, he  affected communities, while for the unregistered
                         was quoted as saying by The Nation.  land, the benefits will go directly to the county
                           “There has been a widespread falsehood that  government, according to the law, unless other
                         ... we already have 516 landowners. The 516 is  negotiations emerge,” he said.
                         the number of co-ordinates within the three   According to previous reports, LLCOP is
                         gazetted oilfields. Amosing has 180 co-ordi-  slated to follow an 892-km route from Blocks
                         nates, Twiga has 106 and Ngamia has 230,” he  10BB and 13T, two oil-bearing licence areas
                         said, referring to three fields within the licence  in Kenya’s South Lokichar basin, to the Indian
                         areas assigned to Tullow Oil (UK/Ireland). “The  Ocean port of Lamu. The cost of building the
                         process of identifying project-affected persons  conduit – which will have an initial throughput
                         [has] not yet commenced.”            capacity of 60,000-80,000 barrels per day (bpd),
                           Long’ole stated that the Kenyan government  rising later to 100,000 bpd or more – is expected
                         hoped to begin the land acquisition process in  to reach $1.5bn.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 48   02•December•2021
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