Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 05 2022
P. 16

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Alameda-1 well was designed to intersect three  accumulation of oil.”    Alagoas Basin. Petrobras is the Operator of the
       separate objectives: “Ideally, this would have   Melbana Energy, February 1 2022  block with 75% Participating Interest (PI) and
       involved each of the three objectives being inter-                       in which partner ONGC Videsh holds 25% PI.
       sected at the top of their structures. However,   Archer wins two-year     ONGC Videsh, after detailed evaluation, now
       designing a well plan involves compromise, and                           enters into the development stage with the sub-
       thus, based on the geological mapping, the N   extension of Argentinian   mission of Declaration of Commerciality (DoC)
       structure would have to be intersected at a less                         for the block BM-SEAL-4.
       than optimal location, being ‘downdip’ from the   drilling service contract  The block development module of Petro-
       top of the structure. The potential upside in this                       bras envisages the installation of a shared FPSO
       scenario, however, is that finding even a thin oil  Archer Ltd has announced that Pan American  and a gas pipeline. The name suggested to the
       column in the N objective at the current location  Energy has agreed to extend the duration of  Brazilian regulator for the field is Budião. The
       could indicate a significant resource ‘updip’ of  Archer’s drilling services contract for a further  development module is presently in the con-
       the well bore. The early signs of encouraging oil  two years on improved terms.  tract planning phase and is expected to start
       and gas shows/flows bodes very well for another   The extended contract covers two drilling  production after 2026. The Consortium plans to
       significant potential oil pool in this well. Signif-  rigs, 13 workover units and 13 pulling units on  continue all operational activities for submission
       icance of these shows need to be determined by  Pan American’s Cerro Dragon field in the Golfo  of the Development Plan to the Regulator and
       logging.”                           San Jorge basin in southern Argentina. The con-  meeting the target for the first oil.
         Melbana Energy’s Executive Chairman  tract runs until Q2-2025 and Pan American has   ONGC Videsh is the wholly owned subsid-
       Andrew Purcell commented: “Given the  the flexibility to adjust the level of activity up or  iary and overseas arm of Oil and Natural Gas
       poor-quality data and highly complex geology  down during the contract term. The total value  Corporation Ltd (ONGC), the National Oil
       that was available to us, the level of accuracy  of the contract is estimated at $400mn, subject  Company of India.
       of predicting target depths of objectives was  to actual activity level and services provided by   ONGC Videsh, January 31 2022
       expected to be quite low. Therefore, the inter-  Archer.
       section of what is believed to be the N objec-  Dag Skindlo, CEO of Archer, commented:   Maha Energy spuds
       tive limestone at very close to the prognosed  “Pan American is a leading energy company in
       depth (approximately 3,000 metres MD) is very  Argentina, and we are pleased to continue our   Tie-5 horizontal well
       impressive indeed. It reflects the ongoing excel-  long relationship for an additional two years. The
       lent work by Melbana’s geoscience team, Errol  contract extension, including the renegotiated  Maha Energy has announced the spud of the
       Johnstone and Dean Johnstone, both of whom  terms, constitute a reaffirmation of our mutual  Tie-5 Agua Grande (AG) horizontal well in
       have decades of experience working in thrust  commitment to build on this relationship and  Brazil. The Tie-5 well was spudded on time as
       belts.                              to deliver safe and cost-effective operations in  per planned schedule at 0900 (GMT-3) on Jan-
         “Being able to think in three dimensions,  Argentina.”                 uary 25th on the Tie field in Brazil. The well is
       interpret highly complex geology and come up   Archer, February 1 2022   designed as a horizontal well and will drain the
       with viable geological models are rare and valua-                        northern part of the Tie field at the Agua Grande
       ble skills and essential for Melbana’s Cuban work   India’s ONGC Videsh   level.
       programmes.                                                                As communicated earlier, the Tie-4 well was
         “We are very encouraged by what this well   submits declaration of     completed as a vertical producer and tested
       has told us to date, particularly given we have                          4,695 BOEPD on an Electrical Submersible
       encountered oil shows now over two significant   commerciality for deep   Pump (ESP). The Tie-4 well is now producing
       intervals with this latest area also having signifi-                     through the Tie Production Facility.
       cant gas influx, which is a good sign that any res-  offshore BM-SEAL-4 block  Jonas Lindvall, CEO of Maha Energy com-
       ervoir may be well charged. Subsequent logs and                          ments: ‘In light of the very positive well per-
       studies will tell us the significance of what we’re  ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL) has registered a major  formance of Tie-4, we are very excited to start
       encountered but given the size of these struc-  gas discovery in 2019 in its deep offshore block  drilling the Tie-5 well. Our drilling team in Bra-
       tures it allows for the possibility of a material  BM-SEAL-4, Brazil, located in the Sergipe  zil have significantly improved on the Tie-4 well
                                                                                design and I am confident that we will be able to
                                                                                land the well horizontally in the AG.’
                                                                                  Significant changes have been made to the
                                                                                Tie-5 well design to address the drilling issues
                                                                                encountered whilst trying to land the previous
                                                                                Tie-4 well. Changes include, deepening of the
                                                                                9-5/8” casing shoe, and drilling the troublesome
                                                                                Lower Candeias in a shorter section with an
                                                                                inclination below 60 degrees. The Company has
                                                                                successfully drilled multiple wells through the
                                                                                Lower Candeias at angles below 60 degrees. A
                                                                                new geomechanical study was carried out with
                                                                                data acquired in Tie-4, and its findings and rec-
                                                                                ommendations have been incorporated into the
                                                                                well programme. Tie-5 will also be completed
                                                                                using an ESP.
                                                                                Maha Energy, January 26 2022

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 05   03•February•2022
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