Page 17 - FSUOGM Week 10 2021
P. 17

FSUOGM                        NEWSBASE ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                        FSUOGM

       NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)

        NRG              Welcome  to  NewsBase’s  Roundup  Global  GLNG: Momentum behind carbon-neutral
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join  LNG
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  Carbon-neutral LNG is increasingly gaining
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  momentum as more industry players commit
                         regional beats. We hope you will like NRG's new  to the concept, or put themselves on a path
                         concise format, but by clicking on the headline  towards it.
                         link for each section the full text will be available   This week, Tokyo Gas announced that it had
                         as before.                           joined 14 other Japanese companies in forming
                                                              the Carbon Neutral LNG Buyers Alliance in an
                         AfrOil: Nigerian LNG in focus        effort to promote the more widespread use of
                         Two LNG projects are in focus in Nigeria this  the greener version of the fuel.
                         week. On the one hand, ExxonMobil (US) and
                         Nigerian National Petroleum Corp. (NNPC)  LatAmOil: Activity offshore Guyana
                         have awarded UTM, a local infrastructure firm,  Activity levels in Guyana’s offshore zone have
                         a contract for the installation of a floating LNG  remained high over the last week. Canada’s
                         (FLNG) unit at the Yoho oilfield. The vessel may  CGX Energy has confirmed plans to move
                         eventually be able to produce one or two stand-  ahead with the drilling of two exploration
                         ard-size LNG cargoes per month.      wells at the Corentyne and Demerara blocks
                                                              offshore Guyana, while ExxonMobil (US) is
                         AsianOil: China Gas, Sinopec forge deeper  preparing for the return of a faulty compressor
                         ties                                 unit to the Liza Destiny, the floating produc-
                         Natural gas distributor China Gas has agreed to  tion, storage and off-loading (FPSO) vessel it
                         forge a closer working relationship with state-  has installed at the Liza-1 oilfield within the
                         owned Sinopec Group in the natural gas import  Stabroek block.
                         and distribution segments.
                         The privately owned infrastructure operator said  MEOG: Conduits in the crosshairs
                         on March 4 that the two had signed a strategic  Over the past week, headlines in the Middle East
                         co-operation framework agreement that would  have been dominated by the Saudi-led decision
                         mainly focus on natural gas, liquefied natural gas  by OPEC+ to maintain production cuts largely
                         (LNG) and liquid petroleum gas (LPG).  as they are during April and attacks that have
                                                              brought into focus once more the influence of
                         DMEA: Duqm progress and condensate op-  geopolitics on oil supplies.
                         timism                                 While Iraq’s oil minister predicted the lack of
                         Oman is continuing to push forward progress in  action on the part of OPEC+ during the March
                         the developing its Duqm refinery, despite having  meeting, most of the industry was caught off-
                         halted engineering work on the integrated petro-  guard when it announced that only 150,000 bar-
                         chemical facility late last year. The 230,000 barrel  rels per day (bpd) would return to the market in
                         per day (bpd) refinery is now expected to com-  April, with the increase to be shared by Russia
                         mence operations late this year or early 2022,  and Kazakhstan.
                         and this week a supply conduit was completed to
                         connect the facility with gas processing facilities.  NorthAmOil: Chevron to acquire remainder
                                                              of Noble Midstream
                         Euroil: Fluxys joins German LNG efforts  Chevron has struck an agreement to acquire all
                         Belgium’s Fluxys has signed up to be an  the outstanding shares of Noble Midstream Part-
                         “industrial partner” at the planned Stade  ners that it does not already own.
                         LNG import terminal in Northern Ger-   The super-major already owns a nearly 63%   See the archive and
                         many, taking the ambitious project a step  majority stake in Noble Midstream, which it   sign up to receive
                         closer towards realisation.          acquired when it took over its parent company,   *NRG Editor’s Picks*
                           Stade LNG is the biggest of several LNG  Noble Energy, in a deal worth $4.1bn last year.   for free by email each
                         import schemes in Germany, which already  Under the new all-stock deal, Noble Midstream’s   week here
                         has access to a diversified mix of gas sup-  shareholders will receive 0.1393 of a Chev-
                         plies but is looking to strengthen its posi-  ron share for each Noble Midstream unit they
                         tion as a hub for central Europe.    own.™

       Week 10   10•March•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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