Page 16 - MEOG Week 12 2023
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NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)
NRG WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global Project Greensand is Europe’s first cross-bor-
(NRG), in which the reader is invited to join der carbon capture and storage (CCS) initiative
our team of international editors, who provide a to start operations.
snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their
regional beats. By clicking on the headline link for FSUOGM: Gazprom Export head steps down
each section the full text will be available. Russia’s state-owned gas supplier Gazprom
announced on March 10 that Elena Burmis-
AfrOil: Green bidder in DRC round trova was stepping down as head of its export
An unconventional candidate has entered the arm and would go on to serve as vice president
onshore bidding round launched last July by the of Gazprombank.
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) – EQX Dmitry Khandoga, currently overseeing Gaz-
Biome, a US-based investment firm that focuses prom’s international business, will become acting
on preserving biodiversity. director-general of Gazprom Export, the com-
The fund has reportedly submitted offers pany said on its Telegram channel.
for all 27 of the potentially oil-bearing blocks
included in the licensing round. GLNG: Qilak LNG plans for Alaska
Qilak LNG has revealed it is seeking to build
AsianOil: Petronas enjoys profit bump a 4mn tonne per year LNG export terminal in
Malaysia’s Petronas reported on March 13 a 55% Alaska’s North Slope, to be completed by the end
climb in profits for the first quarter on the back of the decade.
of higher prices and increased sales volumes. The announcement from the company’s CEO
However, the state-owned LNG exporter warned comes as large LNG importers in East Asia look
that prices would be more subdued this year as to wean themselves off Russian gas following its
a result of a forecasted slowdown in the global invasion of Ukraine.
LatAmOil: Pemex exploring debt options
DMEA: Shaheen construction begins Mexico’s national oil company Pemex is cur-
A ceremony was held last week in Ulsan, South rently exploring options for repaying its heavy
Korea, to mark the start of work on the $7bn Sha- load of debts that are due to mature in 2023
heen integrated petrochemical plant located in and 2024, according to the firm’s CEO, Octavio
Onsan Industrial Complex. Romero Oropeza.
South Korean major S-Oil Corp. plans to In an interview with Reuters, Romero said that
start commercial operation of the plant in 2026, the NOC might offer lenders guarantees backed
and noted that the facility will produce around by crude oil but was considering other possibili-
3.2mn tonnes per year of petrochemical prod- ties too.
ucts including ethylene, propylene benzene and
butadiene from feedstocks naphtha and off-gas. NorthAmOil: Willow project given OK
The Biden administration has approved a scaled-
EurOil: Greensand CCS project launched back version of ConocoPhillips’ $7bn Willow
European energy companies INEOS and Win- project in Alaska, the US Department of Interior
tershall Dea began injecting CO2 under the said on March 13.
North Sea bed as part of Project Greensand on But as a compromise, the administration
March 8, with European Commission President has at the same time put more of the US Arctic
Ursula von der Leyen hailing the event as a mile- off-limits to oil and gas drilling.
stone in the EU’s green transition.
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