Page 4 - DMEA Week 14 2021
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Protests and progress at

       southern Iraqi refineries

       Iraq’s Nasiriyah refinery was shut down entirely last week as protesters
       prevented employees from entering, while progress continues to be

       made at Basra as work elsewhere appears to have stalled.

        MIDDLE EAST      A protest over unemployment last week led to   The project has been on the drawing board
                         processing being halted at the Nasiriyah refin-  since 2010, but was further delayed by the gov-
                         ery in Iraq’s southern Dhi Qar Province, while  ernment’s intention that the refinery would be
       WHAT:             progress continues to be made on a project to  part of an integrated project, including the devel-
       Iraq’s downstream   upgrade and expand the major facility at Basra.  opment of the estimated 4bn barrel Nasiriyah
       continues to be an area   Iraq has spoken of plans to drastically  oilfield nearby.
       of concern with units   increase refining capacity, but few announce-  A list of international pre-qualifiers had been
       targeted by protesters,   ments have led to tangible results.  lined up in 2013 to bid to carry out the estimated
       while much-hyped plans                                 $10bn combined project, but the tender was
       for expansion have failed   Nasiriyah                  cancelled in the wake of the IS invasion and the
       to materialise.   Dozens of protestors gathered outside the facil-  oil price crash the following year. This made the
                         ity following the approval of Iraq’s 2021 budget,  challenge of attracting foreign investment in the
       WHY:              without it addressing the lack of available jobs in  downstream sector even more daunting.
       Numerous ambitious   the country.                        An invitation to invest in the refinery alone
       projects have been   With the gates blocked, Reuters sources said  – with envisaged capacity halved from the origi-
       announced over the past   that employees could not enter the 30,000 barrel  nal 300,000 bpd – was issued by Baghdad in late
       decade by Baghdad,   per day (bpd) refinery, which was forced to close,  2016.
       though many have   leading to fuel shortages in Dhi Qar.  This failed to progress and the abandonment
       stumbled at the financing   A group of more than 200 unemployed uni-  of the integrated project remained a possibility as
       stage.            versity graduates had been staging a sit-in out-  the ministry negotiated with various IOCs about
                         side the unit, demanding jobs.       investment in the oilfield in combination with
       WHAT NEXT:          In an official statement the Nasiriyah unit  various other schemes.
       Expansion work at the   said that the closure had left the province unable   In 2018, a contract was awarded to Canadian
       major southern refinery   to produce and refine crude oil and oil deriva-  firm Pacific Future Energy for the construction
       at Basra remains the   tives. It added that the closure would “cause fuel  of a 150,000 bpd unit following rumours that
       bright spot and work is   scarcity in the province … if the closure contin-  French super-major Total had been in talks to
       ongoing to expand the   ues the movement of cars will stop completely.”  do so.
       facility’s capacity to   The refinery has been targeted previously,
       280,000 bpd, supported   with protesters shutting the facility down in late  Basra
       by Japanese export credit.  2019 as unrest spread around the country.  Meanwhile, state-owned South Refineries Co.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 14   08•April•2021
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