Page 17 - LatAmOil Week 39 2022
P. 17

LatAmOil                      NEWSBASE ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                        LatAmOil

       NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)

        NRG              Welcome  to  NewsBase’s  Roundup  Global  a new mini-budget announced on September
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join  3. Like her predecessor Boris Johnson, Truss
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  is keen to develop more home-grown energy
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  sources, as UK households and businesses cope
                         regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new  with soaring energy costs.
                         concise format, but by clicking on the headline
                         link for each section the full text will be available  FSU OGM: Pressure drops in Nord Stream
                         as before.                           pipelines as gas leaks into sea
                                                              Pressure fell in both branches of the Nord Stream
                         AfrOil: Sonatrach CEO says Algeria can   gas pipeline from the giant Russian Yamal Arc-
                         meet Italian gas supply pledges      tic gas fields to Germany on the evening of Sep-
                         Algeria will be able to supply Italy with at least  tember 26, reportedly due to a leak in the NS2
                         25bn cubic metres of natural gas this year, said  pipeline. The leaks were reported by the Danish
                         Tewfik Hakkar, the CEO of the national oil com-  authorities, which ordered ships to maintain a
                         pany (NOC) Sonatrach, following reports that  5-km radius away from the pipelines that run
                         the North African country might not be able  under the Baltic Sea through Danish waters,
                         to uphold its commitment to increase deliver-  describing the area as “dangerous for ship traffic.”
                         ies. Hakkar told Bloomberg that Sonatrach was
                         set to export 25.2 bcm of gas to Italy in 2022.  GLNG: Germany aims to sign LNG supply
                                                              deals with UAE
                         AsianOil: Mubadala makes gas discovery   Germany’s Economic Affairs and Climate
                         offshore Malaysia                    Action Minister Robert Habeck said on Septem-
                         UAE-based Mubadala Petroleum and its part-  ber 19 that Chancellor Olaf Scholz would sign
                         ners Shell and Malaysia’s Petronas have made  deals for LNG supplies during an upcoming trip
                         a sizable natural gas find at Block SK320 off the  to the UAE. Speaking in Lubmin at the site of a
                         coast of Bintulu, Sarawak, in Malaysia, Petronas  new LNG terminal, Habeck said the UAE could
                         said on September 20. The discovery was made  help Germany diversify natural gas supplies.
                         with a well drilled to a depth of 1,680 metres.
                                                              MEOG: Arabian Drilling prepares for IPO
                         DMEA: ARIA Commodities to build new   Saudi firm Arabian Drilling Co., owned by the
                         downstream facilities in HFZA        local Industrialization & Energy Services Co.
                         UAE-based ARIA Commodities will invest  (TAQA, 51%) and Schlumberger (49%), has
                         AED154mn ($41.93mn) in the construction  appointed banks to manage its initial public
                         of four new downstream and petrochemical  offering. The company released a statement say-
                         facilities in the Hamriyah Free Zone (HFZA) in  ing it would sell 26.7mn shares, 30% of the total,
                         Sharjah. Company executives unveiled the plan  when it lists on the local Tadawul All Share Index
                         during a ceremony marking the signing of a lease  (TASI) – the Riyadh stock exchange.
                         agreement between HFZA and ARIA Group, the
                         parent company of ARIA Commodities.  NorthAmOil: Talos to expand Gulf holdings
                                                              with EnVen acquisition
                         EurOil: UK government set to fast-track   Talos Energy announced on September 22 that
                         key oil and gas projects             it had agreed to acquire privately owned US Gulf
                         The new UK government, headed by Prime Min-  of Mexico operator EnVen for $1.1bn. Hou-
                         ister Liz Truss, will fast-track the development of  ston-based Talos says it was already one of the
                         new oil and gas fields, including the giant Cambo  Gulf’s largest publicly listed independent pro-
                         oil deposit west of the Shetland Islands, under  ducers prior to the acquisition. ™

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       Week 39   28•September•2022              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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