Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 39 2022
P. 4

LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

                                                                                                         (Photo: PdVSA)
       Ongoing shifts in Venezuela’s

       relationships with Russia, Iran

       Russia’s entry into the ranks of countries sanctioned by the US appears to be damaging ties

       with Venezuela – and giving Venezuela reasons to expand its existing co-operation with Iran

                         WHEN the US government began imposing   Asia and disguising its origins. In March of that
                         sanctions on Venezuela’s oil industry in 2019,   year, it handed all of its Venezuelan assets over
       WHAT:             Moscow made a show of standing by Caracas.  to Roszarubezhneft, an entity fully owned by
       A state-owned Russian   It made it clear that it recognised Nicolas   the Russian government, and formally left the
       company is withdrawing   Maduro’s re-election in late 2018 as legitimate,   country.
       from Venezuela, while   even as officials in Washington cited allega-
       Russian oil exporters are   tions of fraud as the reason for the decision to   Ongoing links with Russia
       competing for tankers   introduce new restrictions on trade. Russia   These manoeuvres do not seem to have done
       that once carried Vene-  maintained trade relations with Venezuela, and   much good on the upstream front. The US sanc-
       zuelan crude.     at least initially, Russia’s state-owned oil major   tions regime has deprived Roszarubezhneft of
                         Rosneft maintained its stakes in joint ventures   access to the financing and equipment it needs
       WHY:              with Venezuela’s national oil company (NOC)   to keep its joint ventures going, so it has not
       Russia and Venezuela   PdVSA.                          been able to produce much oil since it replaced
       have a track record of   Rosneft also served as Venezuela’s main link   Rosneft in Venezuela. (The nature and extent of
       co-operation in the oil
       sector.           to world oil markets in 2019, as it handled the   that replacement are debatable, by the way, since
                         majority of the PdVSA’s crude exports via vari-  both are state-owned entities that answer to the
       WHAT NEXT:        ous subsidiaries in that year.       Kremlin.)
       Venezuela may seek to   However, it backed down in early 2020   Further down the value chain, the picture is
       step up its existing ties   after the US government sanctioned two lit-  not clear. Russian interests have definitely been
       to Iran.          tle-known Rosneft affiliates that were reported   able to stay involved in the business of moving
                         to be covertly shipping Venezuelan crude to   Venezuelan oil to market.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 39   28•September•2022
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