Page 128 - RusRPTSept21
P. 128
9.1.10 Utilities & Renewables sector news
Vedomosti reported on 22 August that the Ministry for Economic Development had proposed fines for not fulfilling the rules of climate regulation for large emitters.
The ministry suggested fining companies for not providing GHG emissions data or for violating the order of this disclosure. The fines come in two stages, with the sum to double for repetitions.
According to the draft, officials are to pay RUB50,000 ($678) to RUB75,000 for the first violation, and individual entrepreneurs from RUB100,000 to RUB250,000 rubles, while legal entities have to pay from RUB100,000 to RUB500,000 rubles. The maximum fine for repeat violation is to be RUB150,000 for officials, RUB500,000 for individual entrepreneurs and RUB1mn ($13,567) for legal entities.
The draft also envisages that the system of penalties will be in effect from the moment when organisations begin to submit reports: for emitters of CO2 emissions in excess of 150,000t from 2023, and for emitters of CO2 emissions in excess of 50,000t from 2025. The
128 RUSSIA Country Report September 2021