Page 5 - AsianOil Week 03 2023
P. 5

AsianOil                                     COMMENTARY                                             AsianOil

                         countries would respect the sovereignty and ter-  countries directly concerned, including the
                         ritorial integrity of the other.     Philippines, through dialogue and consulta-
                           But it remains unlikely that the Philippines  tion, and to actively exploring ways for prac-
                         will soon launch an offshore licensing round in  tical maritime cooperation, including joint
                         its EEZ.                             exploration.”
                           Once back in Manila, Marcos said his gov-  Addressing reporters, Wang also referred to
                         ernment would pursue an independent foreign  the 2018 accord. “The two sides agreed to bear
                         policy while working for regional peace and the  in mind the spirit of the memorandum of under-
                         interests for both countries. But he added that  standing on cooperation on oil and gas develop-
                         the maritime rivalry between the two states  ment signed in 2018 and resume discussions on
                         remains a significant concern as well as a priority.  oil and gas development at an early date, building
                           “We agreed that maritime issues between the  upon the outcomes of the previous talks, with a
                         two countries do not comprise the entirety of our  view to benefiting the two countries and their
                         relations,” he said.                 people.”
                           Last week, the Philippines’ Department of   The Supreme Court ruling has been initially
                         Foreign Affairs spokesperson Tessie Daza said  viewed as an event that does not hold promise for
                         the ministry had to take the Supreme Court’s  future offshore oil and gas co-operation between
                         ruling into consideration when participating in  the Philippines and China. A number of Philip-
                         future discussions on joint exploration, but she  pine lawmakers have debated what the ruling
                         added: “We are still in the process of setting the  means for future plans to explore the EEZ. Sev-
                         parameters that will guide any future oil and gas  eral stated that it could make negotiations more
                         talks.”                              complicated, not only with China, but with any
                           For its part, China said it remains commit-  other country in the region that the Philippines
                         ted to finding a practical way to co-operate  might want to partner with. But also, the ruling
                         with Manila. China’s Foreign Ministry spokes-  might be viewed as a way to clear the decks for a
                         person Wang Wenbin said last week: “China  new approach focused on accomplishing exactly
                         remains committed to properly handling mar-  what Marcos and Xi say they want for their coun-
                         itime disputes in the South China Sea with  tries. ™

       Week 03   20•January•2023                www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P5
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