Page 4 - DMEA Week 41 2021
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       ADNOC scraps Ruwais plans

       as prices is set for Fertiglobe

       A 400,000 bpd refinery has been cancelled while ADNOC
       proceeds with work to monetise and develop its ammonia assets.

        MIDDLE EAST      STATE-OWNED  Abu Dhabi National Oil  2024, with the now-cancelled 400,000 bpd unit
                         Co. (ADNOC) this week said that it would no  seen complete by 2026 and increasing Abu
                         longer proceed with a major new refinery at the  Dhabi’s refining capacity from 922,000 bpd at
       WHAT:             Ruwais downstream hub, citing a lack of com-  present to 1.5mn bpd. Meanwhile, according
       ADNOC has cancelled   mercial attractiveness. Ambitious plans for the  to a research note by consultancy IGM Energy,
       plans for a new refinery   facility had been in the works for several years,  work is ongoing across the other Emirates to add
       at Ruwais, though existing   though even a pared back version has now been  around 265,000 bpd of refining capacity despite
       facilities continue to be   shelved as ADNOC turns its attention elsewhere  expansion plans having been reined in during
       expanded.         downstream.                          recent years.
                           Meanwhile, the company is continuing to lev-  ADNOC is currently undertaking a $3.5bn
       WHY:              erage assets to raise cash as the Fertiglobe joint  project to improve crude flexibility at Ruwais
       While the refinery   venture (JV) with chemicals producer OCI is set  which will raise the refinery’s capacity for pro-
       has been shelved, the   to become the latest to hit the market with pric-  cessing heavy crude streams, enabling ADNOC
       company is proceeding   ing announced ahead of its listing.  to increase exports of lighter grades.
       with major moves to
       increase its capabilities   Ruwais refinery            TA’ZIZ
       in chemicals and   The cancelled Ruwais unit had been included  ADNOC is also building a world-scale chemicals
       ammonia as it seeks   in plans unveiled by the company in May 2018  complex at TA’ZIZ within the company’s Ruwais
       to become a global   which covered the construction of a 600,000  Derivatives Park.
       hydrogen leader.  barrel per day facility alongside the existing   TA’ZIZ is a JV development between
                         837,000 bpd hub. This was altered a year later,  ADNOC and holding company ADQ which
       WHAT NEXT:        with ADNOC instead electing to construct a  seeks to drive the development of industrial
       The Emirati firm is   new 400,000 bpd refinery while overhauling  projects within the planned Ruwais down-
       making bold strategic   and expanding the existing refining complex by  stream hub and promote economic diversifi-
       moves as it seeks to   another 200,000 bpd.            cation. In June, Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL)
       future-proof its business.  The latter expansion project is not affected  said that it would invest in the project and the
                         by the cancellation of the 400,000 bpd unit and  Indian company last week set up an Emirati sub-
                         sources quoted by Argus said that the company  sidiary for trading crude oil, refined products,
                         is proceeding with these plans, which offer sig-  petrochemicals.
                         nificantly better economics than building a   The chemicals facility will produce chlor-al-
                         greenfield facility.                 kali, ethylene dichloride and polyvinyl chloride
                           Under the amended 2019 plan, the Ruwais  (PVC) to capitalise “on growing demand for
                         expansion was expected to be completed by  these critical industrial raw materials and [will]

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