Page 15 - MEOG Week 35 2022
P. 15
NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)
NRG WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global from imports of Russian gas.
(NRG), in which the reader is invited to join
our team of international editors, who provide a FSUOGM: CPC suspends oil loadings
snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their The Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) has
regional beats. By clicking on the headline link suspended oil loadings from two of the three
for each section the full text will be available. single mooring points (SPMs) at its Black Sea
terminal in Russia’s Novorossijsk, where most
AfrOil: SA expects Luiperd plan Kazakh oil is loaded for world markets, due to
Phindile Masangane, the CEO of Petroleum inspections, two sources familiar with the load-
Agency South Africa (PASA), has said she does ings told Reuters.
not expect TotalEnergies to let its licence for “CPC suspended loadings from SPM-2 since
Block 11B/12B, an offshore site that includes the August 17 due to inspection and SPM-1 has
Luiperd natural gas and condensate fields, lapse been offline since earlier this month due to the
as a deadline for submitting production plans same reason,” one of the sources told the news
approaches. agency. Loadings were reportedly continuing
In an interview with Bloomberg, Masan- from CPC’s SPM-3.
gane stated that she was “very confident” that
the French major would finish discussions with GLNG: Japanese keen to keep Sakhalin stake
PetroSA, its government-owned partner, and Japan’s Mitsubishi has decided to apply to the
submit a production plan for Luiperd in time to Russian government to keep its stake in the
prevent its licence for the block from expiring Sakhalin-2 oil and gas project but still needs
on September 6. Kremlin approval.
Russian President Vladimir Putin signed
AsianOil: China resells LNG to Europe a decree on June 30 that will transfer all rights
China is selling its surplus LNG cargoes to and obligations of the Sakhalin-2 oil and gas
Europe, providing the latter with some relief project to a new Russian entity, in effect giving
as European gas prices soar as a result of the the Kremlin the power to nationalise foreigners’
summer heatwaves and cutbacks in Russian gas stakes in what is one of the largest energy pro-
supply. jects in the world, and escalating the ongoing
European LNG imports soared 60% year on gas wars.
year in the first six months of this year, according
to Kpler, amounting to 53mn tonnes. LatAmOil: APA announces Suriname find
US-based APA Corp. has made its first discovery
DMEA: TotalEnergies denies Arzew reports of hydrocarbons at Block 53 offshore Suriname
TotalEnergies (France) has said it will continue in the Baja-1 exploration well.
working to build a petrochemical plant in Alge- In a statement, the company said it had
ria’s Arzew region, denying a report published drilled in Baja-1 to a depth of 5,290 metres and
earlier by African Intelligence. encountered 34 metres of net pay in the well,
That source had claimed the French oil group all within a single interval in the Campanian
had decided to withdraw from the project. horizon.
EurOil: Germany seeks Canadian supplies NorthAmOil: Lake Charles LNG offtake deal
Germany has identified resource-rich Canada as Shell and Energy Transfer have signed a 20-year
a potential partner as it phases out its depend- sales and purchase agreement for 2.1mn tonnes
ence on Russian gas and seeks alternative sources per year of LNG produced at the planned Lake
of energy supply. Charles LNG project in Louisiana.
On a visit to Canada this week, German The move represents the latest in a series of
Chancellor Olaf Scholz said his country hoped binding offtake agreements signed by Energy
Canadian LNG could help expedite its shift away Transfer over the past few months.
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Week 35 31•August•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P15