Page 4 - MEOG Week 35 2022
P. 4

MEOG                                          COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

       Iraqi exports increase as legal

       and security issues continue

       Iraq’s oil exports have increased despite political and security concerns as
       a 10-month wait to form a new government shows little signs of resolution.

        IRAQ             IRAQ’S federal authorities reported this week  officials were quoted as saying that the court had
                         that the country’s total oil exports hit 3.3mn bar-  taken action against UK-based Genel Energy,
                         rels per day in July, with production increasing  Norway’s DNO, Canadian firm Western Zagros
       WHAT:             by 100,000 bpd on the month.         and US-based HKN.
       Iraqi oil exports rose   Meanwhile, the country’s long wait for a new   These companies, alongside Addax, Gulf
       by 100,000 bpd during   government became violent as protests engulfed  Keystone Petroleum and Shamaran Petroleum,
       July as work continues   the heart of Baghdad.         were summoned to a court date by the MoO in
       to raise upstream                                      May.
       production levels.  Regional rammy                       Meanwhile, the KRG moved to dispel con-
                         The  export  update  comes  as  Baghdad  has  cerns about Kurdish crude purchases, saying
       WHY:              renewed threats against companies facilitating  that the region’s oil “continues to be produced,
       Baghdad continues to   the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG)  to be shipped, to be sold, to be refined, and to
       benefit from high oil   independent oil sales. Having already initiated  be consumed. Investment interest remains and
       prices, but that has   court proceedings against several of the IOCs  production is expected to increase,” noting
       done little to ease its   developing the Kurdistan Region’s oil and gas  that production is currently running at around
       quarrels with Erbil over   assets, the federal authorities are looking to  450,000 bpd.
       Kurdistan’s independent   take similar measures against those loading and   It rejected Al-Yassiri’s comments while add-
       development of    transporting Kurdish crude.          ing that it did not recognise the legitimacy of
       resources.          In a letter to oil traders and crude buyers  the Karkh court, saying instead that the issues
                         – which was leaked to various news outlets –  “must be resolved in accordance with the Federal
       WHAT NEXT:        Alaa al-Yassiri, director-general of the state oil  Constitution and the constitutional rights of the
       As those arguments   marketer Somo, said that the Iraqi government  people of the Kurdistan Region and all of Iraq.”
       rumble on, the fight came   planned to take legal action. Al-Yassiri said steps   Erbil concluded by saying that it would “con-
       much closer to home   would be taken “against all parties involved, in  tinue to take vigorous steps to defend those
       this week as supporters   order to block loadings of those unlawful car-  rights”.
       of Moqtada al-Sadr   goes originating from Iraq including but not lim-  Meanwhile, reports emerged this week that
       clashed with other groups   ited to those from Kurdistan Region”, according  contractors working on the expansion of the
       in central Baghdad   to the Iraq Oil Report.           Khor Mor gas field in the Kurdistan Region have
       following his retirement   In July, the Karkh Commercial Court  failed to return to the project following a string of
       from politics.    in Baghdad moved to annul oil contracts  recent rocket attacks, said to be aimed at destabi-
                         between IOCs and the KRG’s Ministry of Nat-  lising Erbil’s efforts to export gas through Turkey
                         ural Resources. Senior Ministry of Oil (MoO)  with the support of Israel.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 35   31•August•2022
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