Page 11 - AsiaElec Week 50 2022
P. 11
AsiaElec RENEWABLES AsiaElec
Indian renewables firm wins
3,000 MWh storage tender
ONE of India’s leading renewable energy firms, in order to guarantee electricity flow in areas
Greenko Group has won a large-scale energy with less reliable grid systems.
storage tender to initiate an interstate transmis- Earlier in the year, India’s Ministry of Power
sion system (ISTS) on a build, own and operate launched a programme called the Renewable
(BOO) basis. Energy Purchase Obligation, which for the first
“The public sector bus and train should come time included energy storage as an issue to be
up first to use [electricity] as its energy efficiency addressed by state authorities around India.
is 80%, while diesel-run vehicle efficiency is only In doing so, however, the ministry only
20%,” he said. As one of the nation’s most widely referred to wind and hydro storage obligations,
respected names in the renewables industry of with no mention made of solar storage possibil-
late, Greenko already has 125 plants in place ities as of yet.
throughout 15 states across the sub-continent, A statement released by Greenko after being
with a total installed capacity of just over 7.5 GW. awarded the tender said: “This storage tender
By moving into the ISTS sector, Greenko, as establishes a model for procurement of long-du-
backed by the Japanese financial company ORIX ration energy storage capacity by RE Generators
and GIC Holdings of Singapore, is agreeing to a and utilities for creating decarbonised power
25-year energy storage deal with NTPC Renew- supply solutions.”
able Energy (NTPCRE), a subsidiary of India’s The new platform is being developed along
largest utility, NTPC Ltd. the lines of pumped storage plant technology
The tender was first made public in January, (PSP), with the company saying it already has
2022, and is set on an evaluated price framework 50 GW of storage capacity in various stages of
that will, in effect, see storage charges amended development.
year by year to allow for cycle efficiency. PSPs are just one project of several being pro-
Greenko is reported to have secured the moted by Greenko at present, alongside green
entire capacity put out to tender with a successful hydrogen and green ammonia interests.
bid of $33,985 per MWh for a year. A recent agreement with Keppel Infrastruc-
Surprising to many, once the final bids were ture Holdings of Singapore will see the firm gen-
announced, was the gap between first and sec- erate in the region of 250,000 tonnes of green
ond; a bid placed by Hyderabad-based HES ammonia, while another partnership with a
Infra was announced as more than 35% higher Korean steelmaker will establish a green hydro-
than the Greenko bid at $45,762 per MWh. gen and ammonia facility in India.
The highest bid overall, meanwhile, was over With regards to the NTPC tender, even the
261% higher than the Greenko bid at $122,588 company has admitted to being surprised at hav-
per MWh. ing won out against major regional competition.
The extremes in the range of bids are being The company’s PSP technology was at the
seen as a major indicator that awareness of same time lauded by the firm as part of “the
energy storage systems and the long-term costs storage solution provided by Greenko (which)
involved in a nation the size of India is a matter is also unique, as it has minimal to no long-term
still in flux, with few firms fully aware of possible environmental impact over the entire life cycle
future maintenance costs. and two thirds of emissions are fully quantifiable
Once the project is completed, though, it is as compared to other competing energy storage
understood NTPCRE intends to use the storage technologies.”
to accommodate round-the-clock power needs
Week 50 13•December•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P11