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MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       OIL                                 team could deploy within three weeks of   gas carriers (VLGCs) and modern product
                                           receiving all necessary permits.     tankers.
       UN still waiting for Houthi         assessment is critical ... to allowing us to fully   transporting LPG cargoes and other
                                                                                  The company will be responsible for
                                              “An independent and expert driven
       approval to visit decaying          understand the scope, the size, the threat of   petroleum products, sourced from the
                                           this issue and the possible solutions to it,”
                                                                                ADNOC Group and global suppliers, to
       tanker                              Griffiths said on Tuesday.           Wanhua Group’s manufacturing bases in
                                                                                China and around the world.
                                              Lowcock has said that on May 27
       The United Nations said on Tuesday it was   water began leaking into the engine room,   Dr Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, UAE Minister
       still waiting for Yemen’s Houthi group to   threatening to destabilize the tanker and that   of Industry and Advanced Technology and
       authorize deployment of an assessment team   while divers from the Safer Corporation were   Adnoc Group CEO, said: “The establishment
       to a decaying oil tanker that is threatening   able to fix the leak “it is impossible to say how   of AW Shipping supports Adnoc’s smart
       to spill 1.1 million barrels of crude oil off the   long it might hold.”  growth and value creation strategy and is
       war-torn country’s coast.              The United Nations has warned that the   another example of how Adnoc is stretching
         Two weeks ago UN aid chief Mark   Safer could spill four times as much oil as the   the margin from every molecule that we
       Lowcock told the UN Security Council that   1989 Exxon Valdez disaster off Alaska.  produce, refine, ship and sell, while also
       Houthi officials had agreed to allow a UN   REUTERS                      forging stronger partnerships in key growth
       team to conduct a technical assessment and                               markets.”
       whatever initial repairs might be feasible on                              Adnoc L&S owns and operates the UAE’s
       the Safer tanker.                   SERVICES                             largest shipping fleet, which is expected to
         UN Yemen mediator Martin Griffiths told                                grow further in the coming years as Adnoc
       the 15-member council on Tuesday: “We are   UAE strengthens Chinese      increases its upstream and downstream
       still awaiting the permissions necessary for                             production capacity, and enters into trading.
       this team to deploy.”               ties with ADNOC, Wanhua                Liao Zengtai, chairman of Wanhua
         The Safer tanker has been stranded off                                 Chemical Group, said: “The new company will
       Yemen’s Red Sea oil terminal of Ras Issa for   deal                      strengthen the strategic cooperation between
       more than five years. Earlier this month the                             Adnoc and Wanhua and will also ensure
       Security Council called on the Houthis to   Links between the UAE and China have   the stable supply of LPG cargoes and other
       facilitate unconditional UN access to the   been further strengthened with the signing   petroleum products for Wanhua system.”
       tanker as soon as possible.         of a joint venture between Abu Dhabi-based   Last year, ADNOC L&S, which was formed
         Yemen has been mired in conflict since   Adnoc Logistics & Services (ADNOC L&S)   in late 2016, transported over 20 million
       the Iran-allied Houthi group ousted the   and Wanhua Chemical Group (Wanhua), to   metric tonnes of various oil & gas products
       government from the capital Sanaa in 2014.   create AW Shipping Limited.  and dry bulk commodities.
       A Saudi-led military coalition in 2015   The new company, which is incorporated   ARABIAN BUSINESS
       intervened in a bid to restore the government.  in Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM),
         Lowcock earlier this month said a UN   will own and operate a fleet of very large

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