Page 11 - MEOG Week 19 2022
P. 11
KOC nears award for
pump supply deal
KUWAIT STATE-OWNED Kuwait Oil Co. (KOC) is down” their bids, with the highest offer – report-
expected to announce soon the award of con- edly submitted by Schlumberger – having previ-
tract for the supply of oilwell pumps to support ously come in at around KWD698mn ($2.8bn).
its broad production expansion push. KOC is also considering 26 bids from inter-
The local Al-Anba Arabic-language daily national and local companies for the provision
reported on May 10 that the company is con- of new drilling rigs, with reports emerging in
sidering bids from US firms Schlumberger and March that 24 bids had been received from
Weatherford and Kuwaiti firms Spetco Interna- international companies, with a further two
tional Petroleum Co., Contracting and Marine from local suppliers for the supply of 63 rigs for
Services (CMS) and HOT Engineering & Con- a period of five years.
struction Co. for the job to supply more than Awards will be made to at least eight of the
1,000 pumps. bidders, with KOC’s tender prohibiting more
Sources from KOC, a subsidiary of Kuwait than eight rigs from being provided by any
Petroleum Corp. (KPC), told Al-Anba that the one company. One of the sources noted: “KOC
company is “putting the finishing touches” to intends to award all those contracts soon to the
the contract award, noting that more than one bidders who submit the lowest prices … supply
bidder could be selected. contracts for all the rigs will be awarded at the
The newspaper said that Schlumberger same time.”
and Weatherford had submitted bids of Valued at around KWD1.4bn ($4.6bn), it will
KWD129.8mn ($428.3mn) and KWD136.5mn be one of KOC’s largest rig deals.
($450.45mn) respectively. Spetco’s bid was It follows a company request for the supply
reported to be KWD117.2mn ($386.7mn), with of 44 rigs in mid-March. Of these, 24 will be
CMS and HOT pitching offers of KWD117.7mn 1,500 or 2,000 horsepower, with the remaining
($388.4mn) and KWD146.5mn (483.4mn). 20 to be smaller, 750 horsepower units for use
Al-Anba’s source said that following meet- in shallow water. That tender is set to run until
ings with KOC, the bidders “massively revised May 30.
Week 19 11•May•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P11