Page 4 - GLNG Week 10 2022
P. 4

GLNG                                          COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

       Italy’s Enel ready to revive

       Porto Empedocle LNG project

       Italy’s Enel is reportedly ready to revive plans for the proposed Porto

       Empedocle LNG as Italy seeks to reduce its dependence on Russian gas

        PROJECTS &       THE Russian invasion of Ukraine continues to  relations with Russia continue to deteriorate,
        COMPANIES        drive changes in various countries’ energy pol-  Germany is seeking to establish alternatives,
                         icies and plans, including in the sphere of LNG.  including two LNG import terminals. A memo-
       WHAT:             On March 8, it was reported that Italian utility  randum of understanding (MoU) on the first of
       Enel is reportedly ready   Enel was preparing to revive previously aban-  these terminals was signed last week, illustrating
       to revive plans to build   doned plans to build the Porto Empedocle LNG  the urgency of these initiatives. (See: Germany
       the previously cancelled   import terminal in Sicily, off the country’s south  reaches deal on LNG import terminal, page 11)
       Porto Empedocle LNG   coast.
       project.            This emerged at the same time as the Euro-  Italian plans
                         pean Union unveiled plans to cut Russian  Now Italy appears to be following suit, based on
       WHY:              gas imports by two-thirds within a year and  initial indications. Enel’s plan to revive the Porto
       Italy is urgently seeking   phase them out it out altogether by 2030. The  Empedocle LNG project was reported by Reu-
       to reduce its dependence   plan includes ramping up gas imports from  ters, which cited the company as saying it would
       on Russian gas in the   non-Russian suppliers, including LNG ship-  be useful for Italy to build two additional LNG
       wake of Russia’s invasion   ments. For this, Europe will also need to beef up  terminals.
       of Ukraine.       its regasification capacity, following warnings   “For this reason, Enel has given availability to
                         in mid-February – prior to Russia’s attack on  resume the Porto Empedocle LNG plant pro-
       WHAT NEXT:        Ukraine – that the continent’s import terminals  ject, that is fully permitted,” an Enel spokesper-
       Rome is also looking at   had limited capacity available to absorb addi-  son told the news service.
       installing a new FSRU   tional LNG cargoes.             This comes as the country aims to eliminate
       in Italian waters by the   Various European countries are already  Russian gas imports within 24-30 months,
       middle of this year.  taking steps to respond to the unprecedented  according to Italian Minister of Energy Tran-
                         challenge of reducing their dependence on  sition Roberto Cingolani. He told state broad-
                         Russian gas as fast as possible. Last week, Ger-  caster RAI that Russia currently accounted for
                         many u-turned on key elements of its energy  around 40% of Italy’s gas imports and that the
                         policy, having already halted the certification  country wanted to find alternative sources of
                         process for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline from  supply covering roughly half of that amount by
                         Russia. With the pipeline effectively cancelled  the spring.
                         and highly unlikely to be revived as European   Reviving Porto Empedocle LNG will not have

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 10   11•March•2022
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