Page 9 - AfrElec Week 12 2023
P. 9

AfrElec                                         NUCLEAR                                              AfrElec

      Weak grid adds to obstacles facing

      Kenya’s nuclear ambitions

        KENYA            KENYA’S plan to build a $5bn nuclear power  conceived in 2012, the target was to have the
                         plant has run into more obstacles with a new  plant in 2027, but now the target date has been
                         study showing the existing national grid lacks  pushed to 2038.
                         the capacity to effectively integrate such a facility.  Kenya’s current electricity capacity stands at
                           A Strategic Environmental and Social Assess-  2,600 MW with supply being sourced primar-
                         ment (SESA) study reckons that Kenya must  ily from hydro and geothermal sources. The
                         prioritise the upgrade of current power infra-  proposed plant is being marketed as critical for
                         structures if it intends to proceed with plans for  meeting growing power needs.
                         a 1,000 MW nuclear plant.              According to the SESA study, Kenya must
                           The national grid, according to the study, also  first prioritise the upgrade of the current
                         lacks the necessary safety safeguards required  national grid in terms of building new spinning   Kenya must first
                         for nuclear plants under International Atomic  reserves, transmission lines and interconnect   prioritise the
                         Energy Agency (IAEA) guidelines.     equipment to avoid challenges like off-peak
                           The SESA study was carried out by the  electricity demand being too low to operate the   upgrade of the
                         Nuclear Power and Energy Agency in collabo-  nuclear plant at constant full power (baseload
                         ration with the National Environment Manage-  mode).                      current national
                         ment Authority and the SGS consortium.  This is based on the fact that the required
                           “While Kenya has and is already expanding  national grid must provide enough reserve gen-  grid.
                         its electric grid system, it may require significant  erating capacity to ensure grid stability during
                         enhancement/upgrading to be suitable for the  the nuclear plant’s planned outages for refuelling
                         connection of a nuclear power plant,” Business  and maintenance.
                         Daily quotes the assessment report as saying.   “Any unexpected sudden disconnection of
                         “Interfacing nuclear power plants with existing  the nuclear power plant from an otherwise sta-
                         grids require complex engineering.”  ble electric grid could trigger a severe imbalance
                           The condition that Kenya must invest in  between power generation and consumption,
                         upgrading the existing national grid to inter-  causing a sudden reduction in grid frequency
                         face with nuclear power adds another twist to  and voltage,” states the assessment.
                         the country’s bumpy road towards building a   “This could even cascade into the collapse of
                         nuclear plant.                       the grid if additional power sources are not con-
                           When the idea of a nuclear plant was  nected to the grid in time.”™

       Week 12    22•March•2023                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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