Page 4 - MEOG Week 14 2022
P. 4

MEOG                                          COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

       Iraq provides Majnoon update

       as oil earnings hit 50-year high

       As Iraq’s oil earnings reach record highs, the country is pushing
       forward with the development of one of its largest oilfields.

        IRAQ             THE Iraqi Ministry of Oil (MoO) posted its  below its 4.37mn bpd quota, which rises to
                         highest takings in fifty years as the country and  4.414mn bpd this month and 4.461mn bpd in
                         other OPEC+ members reap the benefits of their  May.
       WHAT:             agreement. Meanwhile, the ministry provided a   The drop was the result of 12 days of main-
       Iraq’s oil earnings surged   progress report on ongoing work to expand oil  tenance at the supergiant West Qurna-2 (WQ-
       to $11.07bn in March as   production capacity at the supergiant Majnoon  2) oilfield and a week of shutdown at Nasiriyah
       market concerns saw oil   oilfield in the southern Basra Governorate.  because of protests, both early in the month.
       prices hit $139.    As OPEC’s second-largest producer, Iraq   WQ-2, which is operated by Russia’s Lukoil
                         stands to benefit more than most from the  and North Oil Co. (NOC), a subsidiary of the
       WHY:              group’s alliance with Russia and other produc-  Iraqi National Oil Co. (INOC), has a capacity
       The OPEC+ agreement   ing nations that has seen oil prices surge as geo-  of around 400,000 bpd but was taken offline on
       has served to balance the   political concerns collide with supply/demand  February 21 as part of ongoing expansion works
       market while benefiting   dynamics. However, the country’s oil produc-  that are due to add a further 50,000 bpd to capac-
       the economies of oil-  tion has struggled to keep up with its quota and  ity. WQ-2 forms the smaller of two development
       producing nations as   issues at major fields exacerbated these problems  projects to tap the West Qurna deposit, which
       they recover from the   in March, as output fell 222,000 barrels per day  has estimated oil reserves of around 33bn bar-
       pandemic.         (bpd) off its target.                rels, with West Qurna-1 (WQ-1) to the south
                                                              holding the larger, 20bn barrel share.
       WHAT NEXT:        Oil earnings                           Meanwhile, Nasiriyah was shut in on Febru-
       While Iraq has struggled   This week, the MoO reported that March oil  ary 25 by fellow INOC subsidiary Dhi Qar Oil
       to meet its production   revenues had come in at $11.07bn on a total of  Co. (DQOC) after protesters blocked workers’
       quotas, work is being   100.56mn barrels exported. Baghdad’s receipts  access to the site. Capacity there is believed
       carried out in earnest   were the highest since 1972 and a significant  to stand at around 70,000 bpd, also from the
       as it looks to expand   increase on the $8.5bn earned in February,  Mishrif formation, though production over the
       capacity.         which itself was an eight-year high.  last two years has been hamstrung by Baghdad’s
                           The heightened earnings come despite Iraq  efforts to comply with OPEC+ output restric-
                         failing to keep up with its OPEC+ quota as out-  tions. The field has estimated reserves of 4bn
                         put fell by 112,000 bpd compared to February.  barrels.
                         Production averaged 4.15mn bpd in March,   With  both  fields  back in  operation,

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